What has that Seth been up this week (Also, interns? Totes awes.)

Here's MJ. She's interning for us for a couple weeks from the esteemed Oberlin College (school colors are Cardinal Red and Mikado Yellow, people.) She's swell. She knows here stuff--quick in the ole Photoshop and doesn't mind shoveling a 2004 Subaru Forester out of a snow bank if need be. But what's that in her hands? Why it's just Seth's most recent project to see print. A cover design and 55-page article on "Creating a Personal Vernacular Canadian Design Style" in the Devil's Artisan: A Journal of the Printing Arts.

Oh my friends, you ask, "Does this man never sleep?" No, he does not. This article is a fascinating look into Seth's thought processes in designing and lettering and creating in general.

Featured photos on old books from Seth's collection. See some familiar elements?

Snow, trees, lumberjacks, Iniut tribespeople, more snow, more trees. Seth explains it all!

If you were at the Doug Wright Awards a couple of years ago, you might remember Seth's amazing lecture on his design of the giant hardcover introductory Nipper book called The Collected Doug Wright Volume One. This lecture is one of the most amazing comics lectures I've personally ever seen. Seth goes into great detail explaining his design inspiration and method for this book and I think it's fair to say it might just blow your mind. Seek this out--send the publisher some money--it's a pretty amazing bit of writing from one of the top cartoonists working today.

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