Which Lord of the Rings movies is the best and The Hobbit Behind the Scenes!

We are taking a break from comic book review today so we decided make post about "Which Lord of the Rings is Best"

Some of you might be confused thinking that we like some comic book movies more than The Lord of the Rings movies. That is not true the only movies we like more than Lord of the Rings is Star Wars. We want to know what is you favorite Lord of the Rings movie our favorite is The Return of the King but we can't decide which is better between The Two Towers or The Fellowship of the Ring which is your favorite of those two?

Now about the Hobbit. We are super excited about the Hobbit and we can't wait to see how Gollum is going to look with the new advancements in CGI technology. We predict that it will be the best movie of 2012 hands down but we hope it makes a lot more money than The Dark Knight Rises and is not over shaddowed by it because there are a lot of hype about it(we know we said we would not talk bad about The Dark Knight any more but come on its The Hobbit). If you have read the book(we have not read it) please post a comment if you think the Hobbit has source material to be better than the Lord of the Rings movies? Does it have the grand scale compared to The Hobbit? And does it have the epic battles that the Lord of the Rings had?

Can't get enough of The Hobbit here are some of the behind the scenes video blog form The Hobbit.

I posted this video before the but other one are new.

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