Julia and I stopped by the McSweeneys office after our flight landed but they get a little squirrel-y whenever we try to take pictures. I think they're embarrassed by the 30 interns on staff or something. Ten minutes later we went to their favorite nearby Mexican restaurant Cancun and who should wander in but Dan Nadel and Matthew Thurber. Man, comics. EVERYWHERE!! EVEN WHEN YOU ARE TRYING TO EAT IN PEACE.
My host, Zib. His/her poppa, Eli, works at the local literary magazine besides freelancing as a foreclosure refurbisher. Zib was an excellent host. I was given my space but sometimes an ear rub was requested. Yes, I can't remember the gender of the dog but isn't that really your hangup? With your gender biases and whatnot?
After the Last Gasp party (I forgot my camera people and that bartender was pouring the largest glasses of wine ever. I would go so far as to call them "tumblers" of wine) Eli, Andi (managing editor for The Believer, and Russell (McSweeney's Tech Guy) along with Julia's friend, the other Julia (our guest photosupplier for the next couple shots), dropped by the Secret Alley to play Berlin-style ping pong. Here we are sitting in a treehouse.
I think Eli just won this round or maybe he is just mugging.
Okay, enough vacation blogging. Onto the APE floor with aforementioned pals, Dan and Matthew picture-boxing it up.
The line starts forming for Kate Beaton. People really came out for Kate, Adrian Tomine, and Dan Clowes which was very nice. And, man, that APE staff is tight! Nobody is cutting line on their watch. You don't buy a copy of Hark! A Vagrant and sneak right in, no you don't!
Kate begins what will be a long signing stretch (three hours on Saturday). She is tough!
Over on the other side of Picturebox, the-still-standing-but-soon-to-be-sitting-even-though-I-told-them-sitting-isn't-selling Andi Mudd and Adam Krefman (McSweeneys Business Dude). This must be early because that looks like enthusiasm on their faces. Now, the next day Sunra Thompson was in that spot and the dude worked it hard. I'm not trying to get anyone in trouble here or turn some poor guy into "the con or book fair guy" but he had the stuff.
I wasn't sure this was even Eric Reynolds because Eric doesn't do shows anymore but it must be. Seated, star on the rise Jesse Moynihan. and I think that's David Heatley next to Jesse.
Dan and Adrian getting ready to spar with the fans in "Dan Nadel's Interview Chamber!" {I just wanted to try that out but now I can see that it doesn't work.} Highlights: A fan called Dan "disingenuous" when he named Curt Swan an influence.
Canadians "Ethan Riley" and "Jason Keiffer." Not pictured, "Nick Maandag." Does anyone not use a pen name now? Seth, look what you've done!!
Nadel's Interview-atorium. {Ugh.}
I think this is right around the time that Dan mis-signed a book "To Howard" instead of "To Albert." Loyal fans named Howard keep your eyes on this spot for a forthcoming "Close Enough" signed edition of Wilson contest. Wait, Wilson?!?! This is all about The Death-Ray.
Here I am telling Adrian to skip the spot blacks and keep the line moving. He's got to move those copies of Optic Nerve 12!
Saturday ends and the peeps hang around all casual-like. Second from left on: Trevor Alixopulos, Woody White, our new friend Janelle, Vanessa Davis, Adrian, and behind Adrian, that dude whose shirt kept riding up in a pretty unflattering way but I didn't know how to bring it up.
And Sunday morning the people start lining up for Kate--"where is that shuttle bus?!?!?!"
Are you friends with Deb Aoki? Then you miss out because when you do Deb a favor she returns in kind, in box of organic donut kind!
And the last APE copy of Hark! A Vagrant is sold!
Back into the "Chat Barn" with Kate for her spotlight talk.
The eager crowd.
This is Seth's number one fan. I am not kidding. This dude was obsessed. His friend who came with him said, "yeah, he talks about Seth a bit too much."
How nice are Adrian and Kate? They both showed up at the end of the day for secret surprise signings. By this time, they'd each done around 5 hours of solid signing apiece and 2-3 hours on panels but they still drew little pictures and chatted and signed away.
And then we went to dinner and ate pickled okra and blood sausage and I got cab home and the cabbie totally altered the tip so I need to go call my credit card company. See you next year, APEs!
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