The End of the Tour

Look people, I'm not going to sugarcoat the book tour, they're a total pain in the ass to do, for us and the author, which may be why not many publishers do them! They take over six months of planning and coordination. But! When a tour goes off without a hitch (planes are caught, hundreds of people show up in each city, press writes about the events and books, and therefore lots of books are sold) and is an all around success like Seth and Dan's most recent tour was, afterward you feel a strange melancholy. Luckily for me and more importantly for people unable to attend, both NOW and Torontoist have in depth write-ups of Seth and Dan's final event in Toronto at the International Festival of Authors where they conversed in front of several hundred people and had signing lines out the door. BUT what I really I like about the Torontoist writeup is that they got a photo of Dan and Seth smiling. Cartoonists smiling!

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