Breaking news, J. J. Abrams is announced to direct the next Star Wars film! Although the Disney has not officially confirmed this, it comes a reliable source. The crazy part is that he earlier denied that he had interest in the job and even crazier is that he is the director of the recent Star Trek movies! Not only did he director the 2009 Star Trek, he directed the up-coming Star Trek: Into Darkness. The same guy is directing both Star Wars and Star Trek, that will cause a rip in the time-space-continuum! (that was a joke) Despite this, I believe he is an excellent choice and will bring Star Wars back to its former glory. Also Abrams took many aspects from Star Wars when he made the recent Star Trek, which made it more Star Wars, than Trek. Abrams has even said that Star Wars is one of his favorite and most influential films on his career. I believe that this choice of Abrams is on par with Joss Whedon directing the Avengers, he is fan, he loves these characters, I do not think he will fail us or the wrath of Darth Vader and millions of fans will be upon him. Den Affleck, Brad Bird (The Incredibles, MI 4: Ghost Protocol) and David Fincher (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) were up for the role as well. The Force is strong with Abrams, he will not fail us. What is your opinion of this news? Please comment below.
Other films J.J. Abrams movies Abrams has directed are: Mission Impossible 3, Super 8., and produced many TV series including some of my favorites: Fringe, and Person of Interest. Another famous TV show Abrams produced Lost, which I have not seen.
If you have not read my previous reviews, please click on the links below and check back tomorrow for the review of last week's Clone Wars episode and "Name That Soundtrack".
Other films J.J. Abrams movies Abrams has directed are: Mission Impossible 3, Super 8., and produced many TV series including some of my favorites: Fringe, and Person of Interest. Another famous TV show Abrams produced Lost, which I have not seen.
If you have not read my previous reviews, please click on the links below and check back tomorrow for the review of last week's Clone Wars episode and "Name That Soundtrack".
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