Clone Wars Fans Tag and Rally!

Since the start of the younglings episode arc of Star Wars Clone Wars, the reviews and fans in general have really disappeared. Even I stopped reviewing the episodes because no read them and I know this season has been a let down but the last two episodes with Death Watch and Maul have been awesome! Before, The Clone Wars was a big thing on blogger with many fans posting reviews and writing about it in general, but what happened? Where is everyone? I am here to start a resurgence of the Clone Wars and rally the fans! Is anyone with me?! Starting every Friday I will be posting a review of the previous week's Clone Wars episode even if no one is interested. Some bloggers have posted less for good reason, but why have the Clone Wars fans disappeared? There are a few reasons why I believe the show has had less interest over the past season, one being: the quality of the show. The younglings and droids arcs are possibly the worst arcs in the Clone Wars history. Wasting four episodes each! Why those were made, we will never know (probably for the young child audience) but man they were terrible. Another is that the two biggest names in the Star Wars fandom on blogger Grace (aka Jedi Chick/Fallon) and Savanna have not been posting, albeit for good reason and I do not blame them in the slightest for it. But why should all other Star Wars fans lose faith? Again, I know some fans have reasons for not posting, despite this could the fandom have truly died? I am here to rally the fans and start a revolution of sorts, whether it works or not, because I am just one man running a small blog. To support the cause I have started a tag in which you take this "Clone Wars Fan Award" I made and re-post just like any other tag.

Here are the rules: 
1: Post the picture and where it originated.
2: Give a short (or long) opinion on the current season of the Clone Wars even if you have not seen all the episodes thus far (this is optional).
3: Tag any Clone Wars fan that wishes to take part in the tag.
Are you with me!

On a side note: If you are a Star Wars and have not seen The Clone Wars, I highly recommend you watch it. It has some of the best Star Wars stories since the original trilogy. Also if you are not a Star Wars fan, but like animation, you should give The Clone Wars a chance.

If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to

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