My Video Answers Part 1.

Here is my video answering your questions and after hours of editing the video is finally posted! Because YouTube only lets me post a maximum of 15 minutes of video, therefore it will be released in two parts, one today and another tomorrow. I added pictures, movie clips and captions to keep the video interesting and maybe even humorous. Due to the quality of our microphone, there are some strange buzzing sounds. Also I was difficult to understand because I was nervous; hopefully you could understand what my brother and I said. Below are you questions that are covered in the video. Please comment below with your thoughts about our video, but please remember this first time on camera.  

Shena Tokala (sorry if I pronounced your name wrong.)

1: What do you hope to see in the Avengers 2, film?

2: If you could meet a fictional person and a famous historical figure who would you want them to be?

3: What are your favorite TV shows and what shows would you like to watch that you haven't started yet?

4: If you could work on a film, what job would be the most interesting for you?

5: Which Marvel movie are you looking forward to the most? 

6: Who are your favorite Harry Potter characters?

7: What are your favorite scenes in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith?

8: Which Star Wars books have you read and which ones do you want to read?

9: Favorite season? 

10: Favorite holiday?

11: What are your favorite Doctor Who and Sherlock episodes?

12: Who are your favorite Jedi?

13: If you could meet five of the Avengers cast, who would you want to meet?

14: What is the worst movie you have ever watched?


How would you suggest getting into EU?

Are the things you blog about simply hobbies, or would you like to make a career of them?

Favorite genre of music?


We all know Darth Vader is your favorite character in all fiction but like me you don't really care for Anakin. Do you see Vader and Anakin as the same person or as two different people? Why? And do you think Anakin was the greatest Jedi or does someone else deserve that title, like Obi-Wan?

If one was to start watching Dr Who, where should they start? At the very beginning or with Dr Nine?

Call of Duty or Halo?

What are some things you think could get messed up in the Star Wars universe now that Disney owns Lucasfilm and will be making more movies? Do you have high hopes that the old actors will return for their roles?

What are some of your thoughts about the huge Tom Hiddelston/Loki fandom that exists in the female side of the Avengers fandom?

Can you put your favorite avengers in any sort of order or is that too hard?

If you want to contact us or have any question please send an e-mail to

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