Tatsumi x 4 = Happiness.

Fridays. New books always arrive on Fridays. It's like the universe knows that sunny Fridays crush my soul. But today is better than all those other Fridays when new books have arrived because today we received FOUR NEW BOOKS! That's right, dear pals. Tatsumi's newest title, Fallen Words, plus the brand-spanking-new paperback editions of Abandon the Old in Tokyo, Good-Bye, and The Push Man and other stories. Eat your heart out, internet.

I am NOT a fan of the whole bookshelf-porn thing. I'm mad at myself already for even bringing it up. But c'mon! Those spines? HULLO. Who wouldn't want a complete set of the Tatsumi paperbacks on their "A" shelf?

All four titles will be in stores near the end of the month.

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