Thor 2: The Dark World Set Pictures.

Here are some pictures from the filming of Thor 2: The Dark World. So far it looks very impressive. The Dark World will take place more in Asgard than and more specifically, the relm of the Dark Elves. The second picture is probably a stunt man wearing the Dark Elf make-up, who will be the main villians in the next movie. It looks like there is going to be epic between the Thor and Lady Sif Vs The Dark Elves. I am predicting Thor 2: The Dark World to be the second best movie of 2013 after The Hobbit sequel. What do you think of the pictures? I am pumped for it and I cannot wait.
Chris Hemswort
 Taking a break: An actor wearing a prosthetic mask sits down for a rest and some water during filming
Back looking buff: Chris highlighted his muscular physique in the silver armour and red cape
Wielding his hammer: The movie sequel is due for release in November 2013, and looks to be as action-packed as the first film
All-star cast: Chris was joined by a host of extras as he got to work shooting the film
Co-stars: Chris shot the scenes alongside Jaimie Alexander, who plays Sif, the goddess of Asgard, in the movie
Watch out! It looks as though Thor will have his fair share of monsters to battle in the new film
There's two of them! Chris Hemsworth was joined on set by a stunt double as he got to work on the Thor sequel today (Tuesday)
Powerful: Thor lifts his foot before smashing it down on the ground and causing havoc
Powerful: Thor lifts his foot before smashing it down on the ground and causing havoc
Atmospheric: The actors were surrounded by a plume of dirt as Thor's power took hold
Warrior: Actress Jaimie Alexander was spotted brandishing a large sword as she rode on horseback through the battle
Explosive: The battle scenes for the second movie in the Thor franchise look set to be just as dramatic as the first
Behind-the-scenes: A group of warriors recover from the battle
Preparing for battle: The cast and crew get ready for an epic scene in Bourne Woods, Surrey
Fire: A hut burns as the fictional battle as warriors flee the scene
Upcoming: Thor 2: The Dark World is scheduled for release in November 2013
Brave: Jaimie Alexander will reprise her role as Asgardian warrior Sif in the superhero movie
Behind the scenes: A special effects crew were on hand to propel fake mist onto the set
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