Lord of the Rings Extended Edition is on sale! Right now!
It is on Amazon Gold Box Deal. For about $50.00. That is a good deal compared to the original $70.00 price. And it is even cheaper than the DVD set.I am definitely buying it. If you like The Lord of the Rings movies and own a Blu-Ray I recommend you buy this. Also the reason i have not bought the Star Wars Blu-Ray set is because. 1: It's way to expensive and 2: The original Theatrical Edition is not on it. If it was I would already bought it by now. Do you like The Lord of the Rings movies? Do you plan on buying this? And have you seen the Extended Editions of the movies? Also you don't already know The Lord of the Rings movies are all time favorite movies after Star Wars and is a must see moive Trilogy, even if you don't like fantasy movies.
Here is a review of it, if you are still on the fence about buying it.
I will soon have "Myyy PRECIOUSSS!".
If you want to contact us or have any please sent an e-mail to johnstarslayer@gmail.com.
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