5 Movies to Watch if You Like: Star Wars.

This post is a continuation of the "5 Movies to Watch if You Like" series. And is also part of our Star Wars week. If you any ideas for the next post like this please comment. Sorry for not having much of a post yesterday. My computer crashed so I had to use someone else's computer to post and I couldn't comment.

Here is a preview of what is to come during Star Wars Week.
Star Wars Heir to the Empire Review
Nightsisters Clone Wars Story Arc Review
Star Wars Original Clone Wars Review
Top 15 Scene from A New Hope
Top 10 Star Wars Parodies

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy is the only movie that even comes close to Star Wars in terms of epicness and amazement. After The Lord of the Rings Trilogy is the best movies ever made. Even if you didn't like Star Wars you have to watch The Lord of the Rings movies. There many similarities between Star Wars Lord of the Rings, which I can't describe without spoiling the plot.
Click on the links below to read our reviews.
Note: The reviews for the Lord of the Rings movies were some of our earlier reviews so they are not near as detailed as our more recent reviews.

The Matrix Trilogy
Warning The Matrix Trilogy is rated "R" but the first Matrix movie is clean except for some profanity so if you can watch a censored verison that would probably be best.
The Matrix also has many similarities and was definitely influenced by Star Wars in that the main character of the movie ,Neo, is thought to be "The Chosen One". The first Matrix was a truly amazing movie and had the most "WOW!" factor since Star Wars. The action scenes in The Matrix are some of the most impressive ever in a movie. The sequels were not near as good the original but are worth checking out if you liked the first one. If you have seen The Matrix movies please tell us because we have not found any Matrix fans on blogger.
Click on the links below to read The Matrix reviews.

Indiana Jones Trilogy
Indiana Jones the character is very similar to that of Han Solo since they are both played by Harrison Ford, the greatest actor to ever live, it is no surprise. The Indiana Jones movies are the most action packed movies ever made. If you like Han Solo you have to like Indiana Jones.

Click on the links below to read our reviews.
Note: The reviews for the Indiana Jones movies were some of our earlier reviews so they are not near as detailed as our more recent reviews.

Tron: Legacy
Tron: Legacy is also similar to The Matrix and is heavily influenced by it. But the amazing "Light Disc" fight scenes are very similar to that of Star Wars' Lightsaber duels. And the overall sci-fi adventure element is also like Star Wars.
Click on the links below to read our reviews.
Note: The reviews for Tron: Legacy was some of our earlier reviews so they are not near as detailed as our more recent reviews.

Star Trek
We are not "Trekkies" but we have seen some the TV series, we haven't seen any of the other Star Trek movies. Star Trek is not known for great and exciting action scenes but the recent Star Trek changed that with an action packed sci-fi adventure that is more like Star Wars than classic Star Trek. Even if you didn't like the old Star Trek movies and TV series you should like this movie.

Have you seen any of these movies? Did you like them? Do you plan on seeing them after reading this? Please comment and let us know. Please check back tomorrow for more Star Wars.

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