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New Header! And New Avengers Poster and Pictures!

There are more Avengers Pictures BelowHere is the new header! I now it is not that much different but it seemed that every one liked it so I just added some movies I really liked and removed the ones that did not go well with the others.Posters AddedTombstoneThe UntouchablesThe FugitiveThorX-Men: First ClassThe Bourne Ultimatum Here is a picture of...

How Can I Make This Blog Better and A Few Changes.

I would like to know what you think I should change to make this blog better. The main reason I write my blog is to entertain and inform you the follower. So please give me some feedback. Also expect some more reviews. I haven't been posting later because of Star Wars Week and a few other things. I also want to know what you want to see more of on...

The 11 Tag Post!

I have been tagged by Jamie at Through Two Blue Eyes first, than by Shelna Toka at Pens, Thespians, and Words second and then Kayla at Jedi Filmaker third. Since I have been tagged so many times I will answer everyone's questions. Thanks ya'll! Here are the rules.1) Post these rules.2) Post 11 random things about...

Lord of the Rings Extended Edition On Sale!

Lord of the Rings Extended Edition is on sale! Right now! Click here to check it out!It is on Amazon Gold Box Deal. For about $50.00. That is a good deal compared to the original $70.00 price. And it is even cheaper than the DVD set.I am definitely buying it. If you like The Lord of the Rings movies and own a Blu-Ray I recommend...

Darth Vader Character Discussion.

I participated in an Character Discussion at Pandas, Lightsabers and Cameras, oh my!!. This time my All Time Favorite Character Darth Vader! Click Here to Check it out.If you want to contact us or have any please sent an e-mail to johnstarslayer@gmail.c...

Star Wars The Clone Wars: Massacre Review

Warning: This post will contain spoilers for the Clone Wars episode, "Massacre". Thoughts: This is the episode I have been waiting for since I heard that Darth Maul, Savage Opress, and the Nightsisters were backing! While some people were not so sure about bring back Darth Maul, I was on the fence but the fact that we get the Nightsiters and Savage...

Classic Clone Wars Reivew: Nightsisters/Savage Opress Trilogy Review.

If you haven't seen our review for "Star Wars Heir to the Empire" please clickon the link below and commentBook Review: Star Wars Heir to the Empire Audiobook Review Part 1: The Book Review Book Review: Star Wars Heir to the Empire Audiobook Review Part 2: The Characters Since the Nightsisters/Darth Maul episodes are coming later today we decided...

Book Review: Star Wars Heir to the Empire Audiobook Review Part 2: The Characters

If you haven't seen part 1 of this review please click on the link below to go to it and please comment. Book Review: Star Wars Heir to the Empire Audiobook Review Part 1: The Book Review And if you yet to vote on if you would want me to make a Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic Beginnings Guide please let me know.This part of the review...

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