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New Header! And New Avengers Poster and Pictures!

There are more Avengers Pictures Below

Here is the new header! I now it is not that much different but it seemed that every one liked it so I just added some movies I really liked and removed the ones that did not go well with the others.
Posters Added
The Untouchables
The Fugitive
X-Men: First Class
The Bourne Ultimatum

Here is a picture of my old header to compare it to the new one.

I have also made a few other changes to the blog, you might have noticed them yesterday after about 2:00pm when I was changing thing about a little more.
I have added a search box at the top of the page and not the side, so it is much more accessible. And I removed the tags on the sidebar and a few other things that might slow down the blog. If you have any more suggestions please comment.

If you have not voted on which movie review you would like to see next here are the choices below.
The Terminator
The Fugitive
The Rock (1996)
Forrest Gump
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's (Philosopher's) Stone
Real Steel
Rambo: First Blood
Rear Window
Planes, Trains and Automobiles
The Incredible Hulk

One of the Most Awesome Posters Ever!

This is an interesting picture, considering the possible romantic relationship the two chracters. Not sure if I like it but it is interesting.

What do you think of these awesome Avengers pictures!

If you want to contact us or have any question please send an e-mail to johnstarslayer@gmail.com.

How Can I Make This Blog Better and A Few Changes.

I would like to know what you think I should change to make this blog better. The main reason I write my blog is to entertain and inform you the follower. So please give me some feedback. Also expect some more reviews. I haven't been posting later because of Star Wars Week and a few other things. I also want to know what you want to see more of on my blog. And does my blog come up slower than other blogs you check out? I wasn't sure since the header was so large it might slow the blog down, please let me know about that.

About the few changes.
I have added a "Follow by E-Mail" button on the side bar for those of you who want follow my blog though e-mail like a "Wordpress" blog.
A "Search Box" was also been added so that you could look up different thing on my blog. It is on the left side bar.
I have changed the size of the font to make it a little bigger but I did that last week.
I also plan to change the header to make it either small if it is coming up slowly or just change some of the posters, like add Thor, X-Men: First Class and a few others to it.
I have also changed the Movie Review page so that it is easier to look though and find what you are looking for. Here is a sample of what it looks like.

  • Sergeant York Review.

  • Some Like it Hot

  • Source Code Review.

  • Spider-Man 2 Review.

  • Spider-Man Review.

  • Star Wars Saga:

  • Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace

  • Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones

  • Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

  • Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope

  • Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

  • Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

  • Super 8 Review.

  • The Adventures of Huck Finn

  • The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) Review

  • The Dirty Dozen Review.

  • What do you think of the new movie reviews page?

    Which of the following movies do you want to see the review of first?
    The Terminator
    The Fugitive
    The Rock (1996)
    Forrest Gump
    Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's (Philosopher's) Stone
    Real Steel
    Rambo: First Blood
    Rear Window
    Planes, Trains and Automobiles
    The Incredible Hulk
    And do you have any movie review requests?

    If you want to contact us or have any please sent an e-mail to johnstarslayer@gmail.com.

    The 11 Tag Post!

    I have been tagged by Jamie at Through Two Blue Eyes first, than by Shelna Toka at Pens, Thespians, and Words second and then Kayla at Jedi Filmaker third. Since I have been tagged so many times I will answer everyone's questions. Thanks ya'll!
    Here are the rules.
    1) Post these rules.
    2) Post 11 random things about yourself
    3) Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post
    4) Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer
    5) Go to their blog and tell them they’ve been tagged
    6) No cop-outs in the tagging section like, “If you are reading this” or “if you follow me”. You have to legitimately tag people!
    1:  I have owned around 100 different video games

    2: I have began a recent obsession with audiobooks

    3: I think Pixar is overrated.

    4: I hate horror movies (except Jaws) but I they don't scar me at all.

    5: I didn't watch the movies you would normally expect as kid. I watched the Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Early comic book movies, James Bond, Westerns, and anything action. But I never cared for Disney animated movies much.

    6: I have more internet friends than real life friends
    7: I own three different video game console: Xbox 360, Wii, PS2, and a computer that I some times play games on.

    8: I am a hardcored Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic fan!
     9: I watched the Lord of the Rings Trilogy in Theaters

    10: I have a large Lego collection

    11: I use movie quotes in normal conversation when ever possible.

    These are the questions by Jamie at Through Two Blue Eyes
    1. What famous movies have you not seen yet but would like too?

    I could make a list of 100 movies I want to see but here are a few of them. I actually watched the first Harry Potter movie for the first time the other day and it was okay, so look for the review. Also I want to watch the Star Trek movies, Back to the Future Trilogy, Mad Max Trilogy, Spartacus, and Charade. I have so many that I want to watch.

    2. What is your opinion of Charlie Brown?
    My mother is a big fan of the peanuts comics and she has a lot of Snoopy stuff especially Christmas things, so yeah I like Charlie Brown and the gang.

    3. Which of your favorite books would you love to see made into a film and why?
    Heir to the Empire! I want this to be made into a movie so much! But it probably never happen since all of the actors are much to old. And The Old Republic: Revan, but before making one based on the book there would have to be one based on the video game first.

    4. What is one of your favorite pass-times?
    Blogging, playing video games, watching movies, watching TV and watching any Star Wars.

    5. What type of vehicle would you love to own, from any film, book or even from reality?
    Millenium Falcon.
    6. What movie poster would you LOVE to own if you could have your pick?
    The Empire Strikes Back would be awesome to have.
    7. What is a minor thing you’d like to see in your future spouse?
    This is a hard question since I don't really think about it that much. I guess she would have to at least like Star Wars and movies in general and be good at cooking. Being a Christian is a major thing.
    8. What is your opinion of snakes?
    Gif. and some pictures below are from Kalya at Jedi Filmaker
    While we don't hate them, they are not our favorite animal.

    9. What is a pet peeve you’ve discovered from being on the blogosphere?
    There are a lot of thing makes me mad about blogger.
    1: The auto play music is really annoying. I have to stop it from playing just so I can read the post. I don't know about you but I don't like reading while listening to music with lyrics but I do like listening to my Star Wars and other movie soundtrack while reading.

    2: Word verification thing super annoying! It has changed to be even worse! That is why I don't have it set like that. The only thing it does is try to keep from having "bot spam comments". But it really doesn't make much of a different. I have tried.
    3: Dashboard not showing all posts from my followers! I hate it when this happens!

    10. If you could dress up–without any difficulty or thought of cost–as any character, who would it be?
    It would have to be Darth Vader or Revan. They both have awesome costumes.
    11. Where would you like to go on vacation this year?
    Since I rarely go on vacation, I really don't know. Going to the Star Wars Celebration VI next year would really awesome, though that is next year.
    1: What is your favorite book?
    Easily Heir to the Empire and The Old Republic: Revan. I just finished the Revan book a few day ago so look for the review.

    2: Have you ever traveled to another country? If you haven't where would you like to go?
    No I have not left the U.S.A.

    3: What is your favorite genre of music
    Movie soundtracks is by far my favorite but anything epic without lyrics is also great.

    4: What is your favorite hair color
    I guess dark brown, since that is the color of my hair.

    5: Do you like YouTube?
    Yes! I have an account and some subscribers.

    6: Which fictional characters have you had a crush on? If you haven't which character is your favorite?
    Okay.... I really don't think about this much but I guess I will go with Bastlia Shan. Yeah, while I am not obsessed with her or anything I just kind of like her.
    I really like these pictures of her.

    7: If you could have a lightsaber, what color would you want it to be?
    Green or Red.

    8: What Jedi/Sith would you be in the Star Wars universe?
    Darth Vader or Revan.

    9: Do you like anime? If so, which is your favorite?
    I have never really cared about anime much but the Iron Man Anime was good. Although the first few episode were a little dull later on in the series it got a lot better. Watch it if you are an Iron Man fan.

    10: What is your favorite thing to learn about?
    The Bible, Star Wars, Movies, Lord of the Rings, Video Games, History, and anything nerdy.

    11: Who is your favorite superhero?
    Captain America!!!
    Kalya at Jedi Filmaker
    1. If you could go anywhere in the world without cost or any trouble at all, where would you choose to go?
    Maybe Alaska.

    2. What is your favorite thing about blogging?
    Getting all the great comments, meeting "Blog friends", finding so many Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and comic books fans. And a lot more.

    3. Do you have a favorite movie couple?
    Han and Leia, they are hilarious together.

    4. What is your opinion of Princess Leia?

    She is great! By far the best heroine! She is funny, and really entertaining to watch.

    5. Who is your favorite movie actor?
    Harrison Ford....Greatest actor to ever live!

    6. What is your favorite holiday and why?
    Christmas!!! Because God send his Son Jesus Christ to save us all.

    7. Have you ever been punched by a bully, or maybe met a bully?
    I have always been homeschooled so I have never met a bully. But if I was bullied, I would probably knock his lights out.

    8. What is your opinion of homeschooling?
    I am homeschooled! So it is awesome!

    9.What is your opinion of Lady Gaga?
    I have only listened to about 10 seconds of her music so I don't really have an opinion of her. But the Weird Al parody was hilarious.

    10. What is your favorite thing to do when you want to chill out?
    Watch movies, TV shows and play video games.

    11. What is your opinion of the Star Wars Original Trilogy?
    Best movies ever!

    1: Favorite Video Game
    2: Favorite Live Action Fiction TV Series (does not include comedies)
    3: Have you listened to an audiobook? If so what is the best one you have listened to
    4: Do you believe in Bigfoot, UFOs, or Ghosts.
    5: What is your favorite Baseball team? If you don't like Baseball what is your favorite sports team.
    6: What is your opinion of The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (or if you haven't seen them, do you want to watch them)
    7: What is the best movie you have seen in the theaters
    8: Do you like or dislike the Star Wars Prequels (if you haven't seen the Star Wars prequel trilogy do you want to see the any of the Star Wars movies)
    9: What movie quote do you use most often in normal conversation?
    10: Do you like or dislike older movies in general (before 1980)
    11: Marvel vs. DC, which is your favorite (please note if you have not seen many movies from either franchise)

    If you don't know who to tag feel free to tag me back. And I will answer the questions and my questions in another post. I know some people don't like doing these kind of post, if so please let me know.

     Kayla at Jedi Filmaker
     Aalya Rain at Fangirl & Farmgirl
     Jaggerfan1 at Music Lovers
    If you want to contact us or have any please sent an e-mail to johnstarslayer@gmail.com.

    Lord of the Rings Extended Edition On Sale!

    Lord of the Rings Extended Edition is on sale! Right now!
    It is on Amazon Gold Box Deal. For about $50.00. That is a good deal compared to the original $70.00 price. And it is even cheaper than the DVD set.I am definitely buying it. If you like The Lord of the Rings movies and own a Blu-Ray I recommend you buy this. Also the reason i have not bought the Star Wars Blu-Ray set is because. 1: It's way to expensive and 2: The original Theatrical Edition is not on it. If it was I would already bought it by now. Do you like The Lord of the Rings movies? Do you plan on buying this? And have you seen the Extended Editions of the movies? Also you don't already know The Lord of the Rings movies are all time favorite movies after Star Wars and is a must see moive Trilogy, even if you don't like fantasy movies.

    Here is a review of it, if you are still on the fence about buying it.

    I will soon have "Myyy PRECIOUSSS!".

    If you want to contact us or have any please sent an e-mail to johnstarslayer@gmail.com.

    Darth Vader Character Discussion.

    I participated in an Character Discussion at Pandas, Lightsabers and Cameras, oh my!!. This time my All Time Favorite Character Darth Vader!

    If you want to contact us or have any please sent an e-mail to johnstarslayer@gmail.com.

    Star Wars The Clone Wars: Massacre Review

    Warning: This post will contain spoilers for the Clone Wars episode, "Massacre".

    Thoughts: This is the episode I have been waiting for since I heard that Darth Maul, Savage Opress, and the Nightsisters were backing! While some people were not so sure about bring back Darth Maul, I was on the fence but the fact that we get the Nightsiters and Savage Opress makes it well worth it. I didn't watch any previews or any kind spoilers so I wouldn't be influenced by them. I had ridiculously expectations for this episode and it definitely lived up to it! This episode was all kinds of awesome! Probably the best battle scenes in The Clone Wars I have seen. While some didn't like the idea of "witchcraft" in the episode, I didn't mind as much knowing a lot The Old Republic and the other force sensitive beings in the Star Wars Universe that use the force although they are not Jedi/Sith, so is not un-common for this kind of stuff in the Star Wars EU. Also there were Zombies! Usually we don't like zombies but this actually worked excellently with the episode. Although I haven't read the "Death Troopers" book I know this isn't the first there were zombies in Star Wars. They looked kind of creepy, it didn't bother me at all but I can imagine that a little kid would be freaked out by this. I am really glad there was a really dark and brutal tone to "Massacre". This episode is definitely the best since "Carnage of Krell"! I loved every minute of this! The Ventress vs. General Grievous duel was also awesome! The story was great; the only thing that might disappoint fans would be that Darth Maul wasn't in the episode. I didn't read any of the previews so I did not know for sure if he was going to in the episode or not. But I think not having him in this one was probably a good idea not to have him in the episode. When Dooku was being killed by the Night Mother was very different and interesting. The big battle between the Nightsisters and the Trade Federation was super awesome! The deaths were brutal, the zombies were really cool. Everything about this episode was what we wanted!

    The Good: Awesome battle scenes, Perfect darker tone, Dathomir looked great, Best episode since "Carnage of Krell", Different from the other episodes,

    The Bad:

    Plot: 10/10- Excellent plot perfectly paced and sets up well for the next episode.

    Action: 10/10- Probably the battle scene I have seen in The Clone Wars (I have seen every episode) and the lightsaber duel was also great.

    Acting: 10/10- Dooku voice actor was a little better usual and the Night Mother sounded and creepy and eerie.

    Art Style: 10/10- Dathomir looked fantastic, the mist hovering above the ground was looked good and the animation for the battle was very fluent.

    Overall: 10/10- Overall one of the best Clone Wars episodes to date, I am definitely going to remember this episode.

    Closing Comments: I really hope the rest of the episodes in the story arc will live up to my expectations. I know that some will not like the episode because of the darker and the creepiness of it but we loved it!

    Click on the link below for some second opinions of this episode. If you have reviewed it leave a comment and let us know so I add the link to it below. I would appreciate if you would do the same.

    Massacre Review  by Savanna
    "Massacre" review by  Shelna Toka

    If you want to contact us or have any please sent an e-mail to johnstarslayer@gmail.com.

    Classic Clone Wars Reivew: Nightsisters/Savage Opress Trilogy Review.

    If you haven't seen our review for "Star Wars Heir to the Empire" please clickon the link below and comment
    Book Review: Star Wars Heir to the Empire Audiobook Review Part 1: The Book Review
    Book Review: Star Wars Heir to the Empire Audiobook Review Part 2: The Characters

    Since the Nightsisters/Darth Maul episodes are coming later today we decided to review the original Nightsisters Episodes Trilogy. Although we said in our earlier review of the "Darkness on Umbara/Carnage of Krell" Trilogy Story Arc "That it was the best story arc of the series" we have now changed our opinion the episodes. We decided that the Nightsisters Trilogy was better. We still like the "Darkness on Umbara" Trilogy; it is our second favorite story arc after the Nightsister Trilogy.

    Note: We have not seen the episode since we first watched them so we are writing this from memory. And this is a review for the three episodes as a whole but all three individual episodes would get a score of a perfect 10/10.

    Thoughts: At the time of this story arc The Clone Wars has had its ups and downs but mostly good episodes. But this story arc completely blew us away! The Clone Wars is at its best when it is about something that you just couldn't do in the movies. And the Nightsisters story arc is a prime example of this. It was dark, complex, compelling, different, and brutal. Although we normally don't like it when a series or movie was a really dark theme compared to the others in the series like Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom. It was a little too dark, we liked it a lot but it wasn't as good as the original. But The Clone Wars is a different story. When the theme is dark it is usually better than other episodes. And we don't want to sound like we are crazy or insane but we like it when there are a little more violent kills in The Clone Wars. We are not talking about blood and gore but like the movies with the occasional arm being sliced off by a lightsaber and someone being force choked. It also gave us the story from the villain's point of view with the training Opress by Ventress to kill her former mast Count Dooku. The Clone Wars is at its best when things that normally don't in Star Wars like the Nightsisters Trilogy and the later story arc the Overlords Trilogy are two great examples of the Clone Wars going into "uncharted territory" with spectacular success. While some might find these episodes a little weird we loved them. Although the Nightsisters were referenced in some of the EU novels but this is the first you see them in action. The lightsaber battles were amazing. The best of the series, especially the last battle between with Opress, Ventress, Dooku, Obi-Wan, and Anakin. The episodes just kept getting better as the story arc went on with the last episode in the arc, “Witches of the Mist”, which is our favorite episode in The Clone Wars history. There are too many good things to say about this story arc. The story arc did everything right and is a perfect example of The Clone Wars can be. And is probably the best series of Television Episodes we have ever seen.

    The Good: The lightsaber duels are the best of the series, Darker theme, Very unique compared to other episodes, Asajj Ventress became a more interesting character, Savage Opress is one of the best new characters introduced into The Clone Wars, The animation was much improved over previous episodes, Best Clone Wars story arc, Perfect pacing, Seeing Savage Opress' training by Ventress gave us an interesting look into Dathomir culture,

    Plot: 10/10- It had a darker tone and told the story from the villain's point of view and both of which is a great change of pace from The Clone Wars format.

    Action: 10/10- The lightsaber duel were some of the best in the series and have yet to matched.

    Acting: 10/10- The usual solid voice with Savage Opress and Asajj Ventress' voice actors were both great.

    Art Style: 10/10- The overall look of Dathomir was great and the animation for the lightsaber duel was very fluent and smooth.

    Overall: 10/10- Overall this is the best Clone Wars story arc to date and we hope that the up coming Darth Maul story arc will be even better.

    Closing Comments: "This is my kind of Story Arc: fearless and inventive."

    Book Review: Star Wars Heir to the Empire Audiobook Review Part 2: The Characters

    If you haven't seen part 1 of this review please click on the link below to go to it and please comment.
    And if you yet to vote on if you would want me to make a Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic Beginnings Guide please let me know.

    This part of the review will be about the characters in the book. Mostly the new characters in created for the book including Mara Jade, Grand Admiral Thrawn, Joruus C'baoth, Talon Karrde, and Captain Gilad Pellaeon.

    Mara Jade
    Mara Jade is arguably the most well know Star Wars EU (Expanded Universe) character. Although most Star Wars fans already know what will happen to her the next books, I will spoil anything if you have not. Mara is fascinating character and her past is shrouded in mystery. She has a deep hate for Luke Skywalker for ruining her life. While most of her past is revealed in the latter half of the book there is still mystery to the character. I am very interested to how her character will progress in the book.

    Grand Admiral Thrawn
    Grand Admiral Thrawn is another famous Star Wars EU, who is also known by most Star Wars fans even if they have not read the book. Grand Admiral Thrawn is one of my new favorite Star Wars characters. He would easily make a Top 20 Star Wars Characters List. He stood out as the most interesting and complex character in the book. Thrawn is not an "Evil" type of villain, he is a professional soldier and never intentionally harms civilians and he is not arrogant like most Commanders in his position. Thrawn is not the kind of "Bad guy" that is pure evil like The Emperor. But he is not the tragic villain like Vader; he is just doing his job to persevere The Empire. The Grand Admiral is a very unique character and probably become even better as the series of books goes on. I really hope he makes an appearance in The Clone Wars at some point.

    Captain Gilad Pellaeon
     Captain Gilad Pellaeon is second in command to Grand Admiral Thrawn on the Imperial Flag Ship Chimaera. Pellaeon is a battle harden soldier and while he does not play a major part in the book he is an interesting character. I hope he grows even more as a character in the next.

    Talon Karrde
    Talon Karrde basically took over Jabba the Hutt's operation but is much more discrete. He runs the largest smuggling operation at the time of the "Heir to the Empire" and is Mara Jade's boss. It is hard to say more about the character without spoiling the plot of the book.

    Joruus C'baoth
    Joruus C'baoth is a Warning Minor Spoiler but right after you meet the character in the book this is revealed so it isn't much of a spoiler: He is a clone of a Clone Wars era Jedi Jorus C'baoth, (notice the second "U" is his first name, it is the only difference in their name), And due to the failed Cloning process he has been driven insane and turned to the dark side. He is another great introduced in is probably my third favorite new character from "Heir to the Empire (Favorite being Thrawn 1st and Mara 2nd). It is interesting that Yoda said that Luke was the last of the Jedi but C'baoth was still alive. Maybe it because he is a Dark Jedi and not a true Jedi or that he is a Clone and Yoda believed that the real C'baoth to have died during The Clone Wars.
    There are also a few more very minor characters introducted in the book but they are not important enough to note in this review.

    Also most of the characters from the Original Star Wars Trilgoy are the main characters in the book but if you have watched the movies you who they are but is the list.

    Han Solo
    Luke Skywalker
    Leia Solo
    Lando Calrissian

    All of the characters were very true to the original depiction of them in the movies.

    That is it for my review of Heir to the Empire. If you want us to review more books please comment and let us know.


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