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Happy New Year's Eve.... Star War Style

I think Yoda is ready to party! We don't have any New Year resolutions except we have a lot planed for our Blog next year. Tomorrow we are going to post a preview of the year ahe...

Funniest Christmas Song Ever!

We know it has been a few since Christmas but we forgot to post this on our favorite Christmas song po...

Empire Recruitment Film - Funny Star Wars Parody.

Here is another funny Star Wars parody. The Empire Recruitment Film. It is not as funny as the Injured Stormtrooper but it is still fun...

Crimestoppers unite!

Tonight at the Luca Lounge in the East Village, comedy and comics! Another installment of the Crimestoppers Club, hosted by the hilarious duo of Kate Beaton and Michael Kupperman!So head on down to the Luca Lounge at 13th St and Ave B for 7 pm tonight, give 'em five small dollars, and enjoy an evening of laught...

Injured Stormtrooper-Star Wars parody

Here is another funny Star Wars Parody. It might be the funniest we have se...

Cello Wars (Star Wars Parody) Lightsaber Duel.

I first saw this awesome video on Jamie at throughtwoblueeyes. If you like Star Wars or music or epic videos watch it n...

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!Never forget that the ture meaning of Christmas is the birth of Jesus Christ!Merry Christmas and God bless y...

Top 5 Christmas Movies.

Today is Christmas Eve so here are the Top 5 Christmas Movies.We don't like many Christmas movies since most are dramas. But here is the list of the ones we do like.At Number 5: A Christmas CarolWe have seen a few different version of the story but this is our favorite.At Number 4: It's A Wonderful LifeMost would have this at number but we...

Thank You Everybody! You are the Best!

Happy Holidays! And THANK YOU to everyone who has supported us in 2011 and made it possible for a company that only published 24 titles in 2011, to have 6 of those titles land on the New York Times Hardcover Graphic Novel Bestseller list. It's humbling, and we appreciate each and everyone of of you. HAPPY NEW YE...

Asphalt Watches

I think we all want to live in a world where the movie, Asphalt Watches gets made. You might remember the handsome Seth Scriver from his curious and enchanting Stooge Pile Petit Livre that we put out a while ago. Well, along with his friend Shayne Ehman, Seth is making an animated feature about a cross country trip. You can help by going to Indiegogo...

Home Alone Review.

If you have seen the movie please give it any score from 1 to 10.Since Christmas is coming up soon we decided to review one of our favorite Christmas movie Home Alone.Remember that the score for the movie is relative to other family comedies and not action movies.Directed by: Chris ColumbusGenre: Comedy. ChristmasRelease Date: November...

May I Direct You Over To Our Store Blog, Please.

Oh sure, here in the office, this week is easy street: cracking jokes, waiting for chocolate from printers, and drinking all the leftover booze from our office party (above).Meanwhile, over at the Librairie D+Q, they're in the midst of the busiest week of the year. And I mean, BUSY. By last week, sales for 2011 had already increased by 15% from last...

Congrats, CCS!

Congrats to James Sturm, Michelle Ollie and the Center for Cartoon Studies on the amazing news that the school will be expanding into the "old post office building" in White River Junction, and will be new home to The Schulz Library that was forced to vacate the old firehouse after Hurricane Irene. I caught up with James this week, as MARKET DAY...

Christmas Muisc.

These are some of our favorte Christmas songs enjoy and have a Merry Christmas! These are not order. What are your favorite Christmas music?Merry Christmas and may the force be with you, always....

Kim, Kim and re-Kim

Guy Delisle has a blog post up about the recent death of Kim Jong-Il over at his blog. It's in French, so I did a quick/rough translation and included the images below."Kim Jong-Il has kicked the bucket.Bad year for dictators, I haven't made a count but if we continue at this pace, 2011 will be a symbolic year for oppressed people of the world.While...

All Hail Peter Birkemoe!

The Beguiling's Peter Birkemoe gets his due with a major interview today with Tom Spurgeon at The Comics Reporter. Peter has been a major figure in comics for the past decade and a half. If running one of the best comics stores in the world wasn't enough, Peter is also responsible (along with Christopher Butcher) for making TCAF one of the premier...

Metuchen your Christmas Spirit

It would seem that Brian Ralph is doing a signing in his hometown of Metuchen, New Jersey at The Raconteur bookstore tonight at 7:30pm. You should go because you'll get to meet his high school art teacher (focuses too much on Escher and not enough on the Ashcan school), his wrestling coach (focuses too much on Freestyle and not enough on Greco-Roman),...

The Hobbit Trailer!

Here is The Hobbit Trailer! I can't believe it is here! This is going to be best of the year next year. I don't think there is any movie not even The Avengers that can be better than The Hobbit next year!Here is the song that Dwarfs were singi...

On social history, ragtime, and Chris Ware

I, like many, know little about Scott Joplin.  I didn't know, for instance, that he had composed operas, and certainly was not aware of Treemonisha, a work that draws on Joplin's own life experiences growing up in Arkansas part of a community of former slaves. It seems to be an opera meant more for working- and middle-class black audiences...

D+Q Announces Our "Digital Strategy"

As announced in today's PW Daily by Calvin Reid, this holiday season, the Drawn & Quarterly classic graphic novels LOUIS RIEL A COMIC-STRIP BIOGRAPHY and PAYING FOR IT A COMIC-STRIP BIOGRAPHY ABOUT BEING A JOHN by the award-winning and iconoclastic cartoonist Chester Brown, will each be available as ebooks via KOBO's Vox Reader, it was announced today by Peggy Burns, Associate Publisher of Marketing & Sales. Known for its astute editorial standards and high print production values, this venture marks the Montreal-based company's first foray...

Merry Geek Christmas!

Here are some awesome Christmas Geek pictures of our favorite movies.Merry Christm...

Oh Kim Jong-Il. You @#$%^(.

Perhaps you are reading the news today, and you never really knew many details about the leader of the hermit nation. And you think, huh, who is this man who penned On the Art of Cinema and On the Art of Opera? And he loved horror films? Was Friday the 13th really his favorite film? Did he really kidnap South korean filmmaker Shin Sank-ok and force...

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