Oh, Adrian...
"In the 70's I was just a little tiny bit too old to be really into Star Wars. But oh god it was crazy when it came out, the hype. That's probably why I refused to see it for a while, because I'm a snob like that. But then when I did see it I was like, yeah, that was amazing. I was stoned out of my mind and I just thought "Wow, I seeeee! This is the future! Robots and stuff! Soon we’ll have chips in our brains!” Or maybe that was just because I was ripped." (Read more here)And, attention Newfoundlanders, this might also be a good time to mention that Adrian's alter ego, Wilhelm Wurstfinger Krank, will be performing The Cantankerous Krank at The Rooms in St. Johns, NL from November 5th-10th. What exactly does this entail? I'm not completely certain, but the facebook event provides this insight:
"Herr Krank will be pacing moodily about a paper set resembling an organ loft, a basement recording studio or an illustrated page from Diderot’s 18th Century Encyclopedia. When the muse strikes him he will fashion an improvised musical texture with the help of a number of diminutive keyboards and the odd biscuit tin. When the muse strikes him not, he will be making demonstrative notes, appeals and admonitions, writing letters to himself (and answering them), grousing, fumbling and otherwise behaving in a dilatory, unfocused and curmudgeonly fashion..."
I hear rumours that there is also some kind of complicated and incredibly uncomfortable costume involved. ENJOY.
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