D+Q at APE this weekend!

This weekend, SaturdayOctober 1st and Sunday October 2nd, Tom and I will be repping D+Q at the Alternative Press Expo,along with Kate Beaton (Hark! A Vagrant),Daniel Clowes (The Death-Ray), andAdrian Tomine (Optic Nerve #12)! Kate and Adrian will be signing both days, while Daniel Clowes will onlybe in attendance Saturday afternoon, so get yourselves down to APE if you wanta signed copy of The Death-Ray.

APE takes place indowntown San Francisco at the Concourse Exhibition Center, 620 7th St, and runs from 11 to 7 on Saturday, 11 to 6 on Sunday.

Here's the schedule:

12 – 3 PM Kate Beatonsigning
3 PM ADiscussion with Daniel Clowes and Adrian Tomine hosted by Dan Nadel
4 - 6 PM Adrian Tomineand Daniel Clowes signing
6 PM Kate Beatonpanel: Drawing Inspiration: The Secrets of Comics Creativity

11 – 1 PM Kate Beatonsigning
1:30 – 3:30 PM AdrianTomine signing
12:45 PM Tom DevlinPanel: Remembering Dylan Williams
1:45 PM Spotlight onKate Beaton
3:45 PM Adrian Tomineand Kate Beaton panel: Comics Coast to Coast

More info about thepanels below...

Saturday at 3:00PM: A Discussion with Daniel Clowes and Adrian Tomine

Critically acclaimed,award-winning, bestselling cartoonists -- and APE special guests -- DanielClowes (The Death-Ray, Ghost World, Wilson) and Adrian Tomine (OpticNerve, Shortcomings) are both professional peers and friends, having metover a decade ago when both lived in the East Bay. TheComicsJournal.com editorand PictureBox publisher Dan Nadel talks to the two artists about theirwork, their friendship, and the comics medium.

Saturday at 6PM: Drawing Inspiration: The Secrets of Comics Creativity

Ever wonder where yourfavorite author or artist gets his or her inspiration? Now you can find out asmoderator Charles Brownstein (executive director, CBLDF) joins APEspecial guests Kate Beaton (Hark! A Vagrant!), Craig Thompson (Habibi),Matthew Thurber (1-800 MICE), and Shannon Wheeler (Oil andWater), plus Tom Neely (The Wolf) for an in-depth discussionof what gets their creative juices flowing and the secrets of what inspiresthem.

Sunday at 12:45PM: Remembering Dylan Williams 

The indie comics worldlost one of our own on September 10 when Dylan Williams passed away. Dylan wasa tireless champion of creators with unique visions, and promoted their workthrough his career, starting with the mini-comics coop Puppy Toss and a stintbehind the counter at Comic Relief. He is best known as the publisher ofSparkplug Comic Books. Artists, publishers, and friends who were touched byDylan's influence -- including Tom DevlinTodd MartinezTomNeelyVirginia PaineLandry Walker, and others --join together to remember Dylan and his passion for comics in this specialtribute panel. Please attend and share your memories.

Sunday at 1:45PM: Spotlight on Kate Beaton

Cartoonist and APEspecial guest Kate Beaton has taken the comics world by storm. In fourshort years, her webcomic Hark! A Vagrant has become one of the mostbuzzed-about comics of the past decade, with over 500,000 unique visitors tothe site. She also self-published the wildly popular book Never LearnAnything from History. Her new D+Q book collects comics from the website,and she'll present a slide show that explores her artistic process.

Sunday at 3:45PM: Comics Coast to Coast

Spreading comics love from New York to right herein San Francisco, APE special guests (and Big Apple residents) AdrianTomine (Optic Nerve), Kate Beaton (Hark! AVagrant!), and Matthew Thurber (1-800 MICE), faceoff with Bay Area residents Jason Shiga (Empire State -- ALove Story (or Not)), Mari Naomi (Kiss and Tell),and Eric Drooker (Howl: A Graphic Novel) to discuss howtheir cities gives them a unique voice in comics. Moderated by the Cartoon ArtMuseum's Andrew Farago, these comics creators discuss how the placethey live affects the stories they tell and the ways in which they tell them.

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