Are You Ready For SPX?

Yes, that's right, it's time for perhaps the most fun convention on the circuit, SPX! And this year, particularly, is going to be stellar for us. Chester Brown, Kate Beaton, Anders Nilsen, Marc Bell AND Brian Ralph signing at our table?! So great!! Plus, there are going to be tonnes of other favourite cartoonists like Dan Zettwoch, Kevin Huizenga, Roz Chast and way more. Here is our signing/programming schedule, for your perusing pleasure:

Saturday, September 10

11:00-2:00 Chester Brown & Brian Ralph signing at D+Q booth

12:00-1:00 Kate Beaton/Roz Chast NYer panel in White Flint Amphitheater

2:00-5:00 Kate Beaton signing at D+Q booth

2:00-3:00 Anders Nilsen spotlight in White Flint Amphitheater

2:30-3:30 “Narrative Logic” feat. Marc Bell in Brookside Conference Room

3:00-6:00 Anders Nilsen signing at D+Q booth

4:00-7:00 Marc Bell signing at D+Q booth

5:00-6:00 “Constraint Based Cartooning” feat. Brian Ralph in White Flint Amphitheater

6:00-7:00 Chester Brown spotlight in White Flint Amphitheater

Sunday, September 11th

12:00–2:00: Chester & Brian signing at D+Q booth

1:00–4:00: Kate signing at D+Q booth

2:00–4:00: Anders, & Marc signing at D+Q booth

And we are going to have a lot of new books there! In particular order, here is a sampling of the BRAND NEW books we'll have available:

So swing by! Say hello to our production manager, Tracy, and me, and get some new and not-yet-in-stores books. Also, tell us where the karaoke party is, lest, heaven forbid, we are left to "make our own fun."

PS- are there bail bondsmen in Bethesda? I need to update the itinerary

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