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John P. Is on the road again again again

People, John P. is getting out there and so should you. Look for him in your neighborhood.Friday Sept. 30 - Sat. Oct 1NASHVILLE, TNHandmade and Bound FestivalMonday October 3; 7 PMST. LOUIS, MOSubterranean BooksSlideshow and signing with the great Tim Lane!October 5-8IOWA CITY, IAComics, Creativity and Culture:Interdisciplinary and International PerspectivesWith...

ICE HAVEN sketches to benefit the family of Dylan Williams

Our colleague at Fantagraphics, Jason Myles, has listed this auction of original ICE HAVEN artwork by Dan Clowes on ebay, all proceeds will benefit the family of Dylan Williams. The auction ends on Tuesday. We miss you Dyl...

D+Q at APE in SF This Weekend: Beaton, Clowes & Tomine!

San Francisco is gearing up for APE. Julia & Tom landed yesterday and Tom went for a burrito in the Mission and bumped into Dan Nadel & Matthew Thurber. Apparently, they started debating about comics, and each left angry. Oh well, what's new! You can see D+Q at booth 314 and Picturebox at booth 313 where they'll probably still be arguing over Chaykin, Steranko and Moebius.Dan will also be moderating a panel with Adrian and Clowes. You may recall the bang-up job Dan did at last year's APE with Clowes, Chris Diaz's video of it made quite...

Brooklyn Book Fest

Here she is: Kate Beaton had a handful of pre-launches for Hark! A Vagrant, including here at the Brooklyn Book Festival last week.People lined up for two hours to meet her — is it any wonder that she won the Festival’s “AT&T fan favorite” award? Crowd control became a problem when her regular fans had to contend with a mob of Quill & Quire...

Our Lego Movies.

We have posted our videos before but if you haven't seen them here they are. Please tell what you think.Death Star LoungeCowboys and Aliens spoof with a little Star Wars twist. Bigfoot Yeti QuestPiratesLego W...

Kate Beaton on NPR's Morning Edition; Wins Brooklyn Book Fest's Fan Favorite Author Award; More Interviews

Kate Beaton was featured on NPR's Morning Edition today in a delightful interview where she discusses the Kennedy men and women from history who didn't get their due. Audio is now up online.In other Kate Beaton news, she won the AT&T fan favorite award at last week's Brooklyn Book Festival. As part of her award, she was able to donate $3500 to...

New York Art Book Fair!

Hey there, New York! We're going to be at the New York Art Book Fair, opening TONIGHT at PS1 in Queens. Come visit us, booth #O19, and pick up the new books by Seth, Dan Clowes, Kate Beaton, Anders Nilsen, Brian Ralph, Marc Bell, Adrian Norvid, etc, etc, etc! And say hi to me and Alison Naturale, making a semi-rare appearance behind the booth. This...

Top 5 Favorite Books.

This post is in responds to JT/King Valun at The Window on the West challenge.This is my Top 5 Favorite Books I have read. I have not read The Lord of the Rings books or The Hobbit but I will after I watch the Hobbit in 2012. I also haven't read any Star Wars books yet because I do not live near a library.Disclamer: I am a Baseball...

Two for Mr Clowes. (Pssst DEATH RAY IS OUT 10/11)

This Flavorwire interview with Dan is so fabulous, where to begin... The 23 yr old Dan shuffling around in his cardigan like Mr Rogers? Frank Miller? How DEATH-RAY's Andy is the perfect stand-in for 2004 America? Hell yeah. Say What? You thought the DEATH-RAY was just a superhero story? The smarter KICK-ASS? As if. Read on.Like Nick Gazin says...

D+Q at APE this weekend!

This weekend, SaturdayOctober 1st and Sunday October 2nd, Tom and I will be repping D+Q at the Alternative Press Expo,along with Kate Beaton (Hark! A Vagrant),Daniel Clowes (The Death-Ray), andAdrian Tomine (Optic Nerve #12)! Kate and Adrian will be signing both days, while Daniel Clowes will onlybe in attendance Saturday afternoon, so get yourselves...

Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem review.

If you have seen the movie please give it any score from 1 to 10.Directed by: Strause BrothersGenre: Sci-Fi, ActionRelease date: December 25, 2007Running Time: 94 minutesMMPA rating: RThe Good: Good soundtrack, The effects were goodThe Bad: Dumb plot, Some of the worst acting I have ever seen in the movie, Everything was way to dark(lighting...

3 out of 10! Laura Miller Likes D+Q

Salon's Laura Miller does a round up of graphic novels released to date this year and features 3 D+Q graphic novels out of 10! She includes Big Questions: "Nilsen's drawings become more elaborate and evocative as the book goes along, and in time he brings his drolly stoic intelligence to bear on seemingly every big question known to man or bird."; Paying For It: "it is fascinatingly forthright, an argument for the sex industry's potential to provide the world's oddballs and cash-short women with the opportunity to meet and make reasonably pleasant...

Today is the Day! All Hail Kate Beaton! Hark A Vagrant In Stores!

Hip Hip Hooray! Hark! A Vagrant Is In Stores Today! Kate Beaton kicks off her tour tonight in NYC at Housing Works on Crosby St with Desert Island bringing the goods. Housing Works crated one of the best displays ever for Hark! A Vagrant blowing up the comics and putting them next to the classic literature Kate hilariously skewers.How awesome is...

Close Encounters of the Third Kind Review.

If you have seen the movie please give it any score from 1 to 10.Aalya Rain at Fangirl & Farmgirl requested that we review more sci-fi movie so here is the review for Close Encounters of the Third Kind.Directed by: Steven SpielbergGenre: Sic-Fi,Release date: November 16, 1977 (1977-11-16)Running Time: 137 minutesMMPA rating: PGThe Good: Good...

Graphic Details: Miriam Katin, Vanessa Davis, and more!

Graphic Details is an exhibit of confessional comics by Jewish female cartoonists. It kicked off Sunday night, and the work is up until April 8th at the Yeshiva University Museum in New York (15 W. 16th Street).More info here.Artists in the show:Aline Kominsky-Crumb, Vanessa Davis, Bernice Eisenstein, Sarah Glidden, Miriam Katin,...

Herge comic strip biography

We just received a couple of advance copies of The Adventures of Herge, the biography in comics form of the famed Tintin creator, otherwise known as Georges Remi. It's a fascinating, well-researched account of Herge's life, from his childhood right through to his death in 1983. And in a loving homage to its subject, the book is drawn in a "clear line"...

The Count of Monte Cristo review.

We watched The Count of Monte Cristo for the first time last month and we really liked it.Disclaimer: We have not read the book.If you have seen the movie please give it any score from 1 to 10.Directed by: Kevin ReynoldsGenre: AdventureRelease date: January 25, 2002Running Time: 131 minutesMMPA rating: PG-13The Good: A real hidden jem, Superb...

Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Prisoners" Review

If you have seen the episode please give it any score from 1 to 10.Note: We changed the last episode we review from a score of 8.5 to 8.2 because we decided it was to high of a score.The Good: A really awesome brutaly violent kill at the end of the episode, Better plot than the last episode, A slightly darker tone than the last episode had, Prince...

Person of Interest "Pilot" review.

If you have seen the movie please give it any score from 1 to 10.Channel: CBSNext Episode: September, 29Genre: Action, Thriller, CrimeClick here to watch the episode of Person of Interest you will not regret it.The Good: Excellent original concept, Superb acting, A lot more action than any other TV show on TV, The Bad:Plot: Mr. Finch (Michael Emerson),...

Chris Ware Does It Again.

When Chris Ware showed up to TCAF with an ipad, we knew something was up. Afterwards we excitedly discussed, "Chris is going to do the ebook to end all ebooks. He's going to show us all how it is done." In short, we bet he was up to something and that anything to come out this would be amazing.Cut to 4 months later, and McSweeneys releases through...

Anders on the road

Anders just left the office an hour ago and is headed off to Toronto. Look for him there on Saturday and Sunday. Hey, did you know he's been blogging his trip? Well, he has. Click to see the greatest signing backdrop a comic store has ever created. Bill, I think you have some of those issues of New Funnies I've been looking for.And here are Anders' Toronto dates and times:Book Launch with Marc Bell and Mark ConnerySaturday, September 24th, 5PM at The Central, 603 Markham StreetWord on the Street Toronto with Marc Bell, Chester Brown, and Zach WortonSunday,...

The King's Speech Review.

If you have seen the movie please give it any score from 1 to 10.Disclaimer: We do not like movies that have a lot of drama in them so we are a little bais when we review dramas.Directed by:Tom HooperGenre: Drama, HistoricalRelease date: 6 September 2010 (2010-09-06) Running Time: 119 minutesMMPA rating: RThe Good:Some humorist parts.It is a fascinating...

Helsinki (part two)

Okay, clear of mind and fresh of skin we head out to Tove's studio. {Back to us is Festival organizer Otto Sinisalo and against the wall is cartoonist Frank Odoi from Ghana.}I really had no idea what to expect. I've seen photos and even videos from years ago but I figured we were looking at a different place. Maybe a mansion in the nicest part of town...

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