San Diego Comic-Con Day 1

I'm your token D+Q blogger in the office this week, which means I get to give you all a little play-by-play of San Diego Comic-Con, while Chris, Ann, and I party in the empty office...

Tonight is preview night, so we start things off nice 'n' easy with power signer Chester Brown. I'm sure I don't need to say it, but just in case, he's in San Diego to support Paying For It.

Wednesday July 20th:
Chester Brown signs at the D+Q Booth, #1629
6 to 9 pm.

Want to know how to find us when you enter the glorious madness that is Comic-Con? Click here for the map. Apparently we're close to the Suicide Girls booth, so two birds, one stone, my friends.

Finally, let me just remind you once more why you might want to hustle down there ASAP: signed and numbered Death-Ray, signed and numbered Hark! and a very very few Death-Ray dolls.

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