Yes, I know, I'm the publicist! I'm paid to promote and be over the top. Yes, of course. But oh boy, come on, everyone will agree with me on this. I don't think I have ever seen a list as tight and yet as varied as D+Q's Fall 2011 List. There's honestly something for everyone here, and of the highest caliber. You can download a catalogue for the season. And to make it even easier, here are all of our final covers. Another amazing fact, friends? All of these books are either at the printer, or about to go to the printer. If this doesn't fill you with love, hope and happiness for the power of independent publishing, that working hard pays off, and the strength of the printed book, well, you're probably reading this from your nook or kindle and are about to upload our catalogue to a torrent site, so whatever to you, nonbeliever slash early adopter! Let us print fetish luddites take pleasure in the following books!
Oh wait, what's that? There's still more that is not in our actual official Fall catalogue? Hells yes! Read on...
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