This Art Threat review of PAYING FOR IT came through via google alerts and I found it to be one of the better reviews of PAYING FOR IT, in that it is fair & critical, but what I really want to point out about this review is that a sex worker posts a lengthy comment on the book, and excerpt reads:
What has been missing from this public conversation for, like, EVER!?! ... The first-person accounts of those who buy the services of sex workers. Without this very brave and necessary work from Chester Brown, the growing movement of sex workers world-wide struggling to assert their right to earn a living in safety might as well be talking to themselves. We need the demand-side of the equation to come forward without fear or stigma and join the supply-side in insisting on better laws and working conditions.
Last week, at the Librairie D+Q here in Montreal, our manager had an exchange with a customer who was a sex worker from San Francisco, who explicitly came to the store to tell someone from our company how much she appreciated the book. Yes, anecdotal, (and legally hearsay?) but interesting nonetheless.
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