Yesterday was a BIG day around the office, for me anyway. Two books I spent all fall fussing over just arrived after a long boat ride which I'm sure involved pirates, gigantic squid, and threatening swells. Good thing Melvin and Moomin are fighters.
Melvin Volume 3 is the last in the series, making the collection the first within the John Stanley Library to reach completion. I know I've blogged about how great Melvin 3 is before, but (yow!) it looks good, thanks to Seth's impeccable design, Rebecca's meticulous editing (and her efforts training me to take over), and, most importantly, John Stanley's raw talent for telling timeless stories with flawless pacing.
You'll find a few surprises in this last volume, which I won't be revealing here (blame Tom...), so make sure in a month when Melvin makes his final debut you pick yourself up a copy. What's that? You haven't purchased the first two yet? Go ahead and treat yourself right--pick up all three to add a little pizazz to any bookshelf. Take a look:
Pretty nice, right? RIGHT?
Maybe when the bound copies of Moomin arrive in a month or so (we just received one unbound copy) I'll give you a sweet spine shot of all six in that series. Moomin Book Six is the first volume to include all Lars Jansson content. But don't worry, folks, Lars picks up right where Tove left off; the whimsical tales in volume six made me fall off my chair laughing the same number of times as the stories in the last five volumes did. On that note, I'll leave you with a full cover shot. Apologies for the low image quality...
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