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New Layer of The Onion's AV Club

It seems like the comics reviewers of AV Club of the Onion retooled their comics reviews, and to editorialize, it is much, much, much better. Thank you AV Club! They got rid of the letter grades and the reviews are much more in depth and by one reviewer only, with a byline. The titles selected appear to be reviewed together for a reason, which as...

New Vanessa Davis Strip on Tablet!

Yippee! a fantastic and funny new Vanessa Davis strip in TABLET on what every woman knows...you can never spend too much time, money and energy in search of the perfect b...

Jacky's Diary!!

It's been awhile since I wrote about those Dell comics I love so much (see Freddy, Angel, Miss Peach, more Angel, and Timmy). One of my favorites is Jacky's Diary by Jack Mendelsohn. Like many of you perhaps, I discovered this comic book in Dan Nadel's essential Art Out of Time anthology and was smitten. I've talked a bit about Jack in those old Dell...

Melvin! Three! and Moomin! Six!

Yesterday was a BIG day around the office, for me anyway. Two books I spent all fall fussing over just arrived after a long boat ride which I'm sure involved pirates, gigantic squid, and threatening swells. Good thing Melvin and Moomin are fighters.Melvin Volume 3 is the last in the series, making the collection the first within the John Stanley Library...

Hump Day Tease: Excerpt from R. Crumb's Intro for PAYING FOR IT!

When you've been called an alien by R. Crumb, you've been called an alien by the be...

Look out, Indianapolis!

Lynda Barry is headed your way! This Thursday, February 24th at 7:30 pm, the award-winning (and more importantly, the amazing) Lynda Barry will be giving a talk at the Herron School of Art and Design. Lynda's talk will be held at the IUPUI Eskenazi Hall on 735 W. New York St.What could be better than this? Oh wait, did I mention that it's free? People...

Happy Birthday (old news but Peg thought this was a cute picture.)

Gawd, Tracy's birthday was weeks ago now and it might have been the big two-five but at this point I don't even know what that number means (because I am so old, you see.) Anyways, a belated happy birthday to our Production Manager Tracy Hurren. And maybe share some of that gigantic cupcake and sweet champag...

Big Questions reworked

This blog post might be a delaying tactic--Anders slyly letting us know that he's working on the book while keeping us wondering where the final book is. Who knows? What I do know is that you, demanding reader, get to see a bunch of new pages from this long awaited forthcoming masterpiece. BIG QUESTIONS!!!...

A few words about A SINGLE MATCH

I'm pretty proud of the gekiga that we've brought to North America over the past couple of years. Besides the brilliant and celebrated work of Yoshihiro Tatsumi (5 volumes so far and more to come) we've published some Japanese gekiga masters like Seiichi Hayashi (Red Colored Elegy), Imiri Sakabashira (The Box Man), Susumu Katsumata (Red Snow), and...

Chris Ware talks at the Indianapolis Museum of Art

Chris Ware will be discussing graphic communication and "drawing-as-thinking" at the Indianapolis Museum of Art tonight! Plus! Chip Kidd (art director at Knopf, book designer, and author) will be interviewing Chris about his influences and the development of his aesthetic, and then Chris will be signing books. Not to be missed! That's tonight Thursday,...

Daniel Clowes, CBG Winner, 1999.

Do wish you owned all six books autographed by the Comics Buyer's Guide Award for Favorite Writer in 1999? Kyle Baker? No, no, no. Rich Koslowski? No, no,no, it's Dan Clowes! Well, you can bid on an autographed set of six of Dan's books in a fundraiser for his alma mater, the Laboratory School in Chicago. Nothing like one's old high school to keep any ego in che...

Soapbox: Give to Words Without Borders

Do you know Words without Borders? If not, you should. They are a wonderful organization that promotes international literature by translating, publishing, and promoting the finest contemporary literature from around the world. Every February they feature graphic literature and this month they spotlight WAR RABBIT by Rutu modan and Igal Sarna. They...

Young Cartoonists In Love

Congratulations to Keith Jones and Lizz Hickey on their NYC nuptials!...


Not only was Adrian interviewed on NPR's All Things Considered, but so was his wife Sarah Brennan. Love it! Adrian also visited the Comics Claptrap, spoke to Iowa Public Radio and the Economi...

Hump Day Tease: PAYING FOR IT!

"I've loved Chester Brown's work since the early days of Yummy Fur. He started out as a remarkable cartoonist telling strange stories that slowly became, over time, increasingly personal.PAYING FOR IT is as personal as you can get. It's a clear-eyed, not-even-slightly-erotic, compulsively readable, sometimes painfully honest account of his time, reasons...

Missed It: Jillian's Op-Ed Illo.

Jillian contributed this illustration for the February 3rd NY Times Op Ed page on the Muslim Brotherhood. On her blog the next day Jillian goes into how the immediate deadline of the Op-Ed page can feel like a test of one's skills. I bet! She also points out that the newly redesigned Opinion webpage nicely showcases that day's illustrati...

Tatsumi Movie!!

Tom Spurgeon scooped us on this but who cares? Go look at some stills for the animated Tatsumi movie at Twitch Fi...

Holy Smokes! SCENES FROM AN IMPENDING MARRIAGE on the NYT GN Bestseller list!!!

It's a good thing we went back to press BEFORE the book shipped, because Scenes from an Impending Marriage landed at #2 on the New York Times Graphic Novel Bestseller list after its very first week of being in stores. Congrats Adri...

Have I Mentioned Joe Ollmann, Lately?

Joe Ollmann was interviewed by CBR's Chris Mautner for Robot 6. An early, long and thorough review came in from Newsarama by J. Caleb Mozzocco who states: "There’s obviously a lot of angst in the pages of this book, a graphic novel in the truest sense of the word—it’s really and truly a novel, in form and structure, that happens to be told in comics...

Gabrielle Bell in Bitch Magazine

Gabrielle Bell was interviewed recently by Bitch Magazine about feminism, women's work, the evolution of Lucky, and what it means to have a webcomic versus a printed comic.Select snippet:RMJ: What is the role of feminism in your work?GB: I guess every female artist has to think about feminism for pretty much her whole life as she is making her art......

Matt Forsythe's Jinchalo

Need a Friday afternoon distraction? I can't think of a better way to slack off at work than to check out a preview of Matt Forsythe's new book, Jinchalo. Matt also talks about his process. And here's another page I wrangled up:Not enough of a preview for you? Me neither. But it's all we got, folks. I had to scour the internet for these as it is....

Marc Bell artwork! Mexico City! February 23!

Marc Bell will be exhibiting at a Mexico City art show curated by Devendra Banhart.The group show opens February 23rd and runs to the 25th of March. It will be taking place at the Vice Mexico Gallery, Merida 109, esq. Alvaro Obregon Col. Roma, Mexico City. There is a whole long list of artists who will be exhibiting:Zach Hill, Marc Bell, Eric Wareheim,...

Thanks NYC!

Here's Adrian and Leanne at the Strand on Wednesday night of the launch of Adrian's book SCENES FROM AN IMPENDING MARRIAGE. Thanks to everyone who attended, we sold close to 100 copies of the new bo...

Paris! {Final Angouleme Post}

I realize the delay in posting this last entry takes away from the fun, but the reentry into North America has been hard, people! Ok, I dragged tom away from the convention a day early on Saturday so that we could have some "non-comics time." As you'll see, this is clearly not possible, ANYWHERE, and especially in France. Late-ish Saturday night we...

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