More! Lynda! Interviews!

It's amazing that an interview with Lynda just never gets old. Yesterday was the Walrus and today is the AV Club. I imagine there will be a spate of interviews appearing because it probably took this long to transcribe her interviews. This is a very in-depth interview that covers a lot of ground including: her D+Q books; the end of her syndicated strip; why being published by a big publisher isn't all that and can actually be horrible; Maybonne, Arna & Marys; her technique including the creation of a strip; teaching in jails where her experience is amazing; her 2011 Ernie Pook collection; tabloids and reality shows; and her next novel Birdis. Reading the interview made me realize that I am going through some serious Lynda Barry withdrawal right now! Also what is interesting, is that the AV Club commenters actually have very nice things to say. Imagine that!

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