Holy Smokes, the Miami Book Fair has invited--get this--Lynda Barry, Vanessa Davis, Joe Sacco and Jaime Hernandez. Unbelievable! In fact this festival has so many big name authors it is an embarrassment of riches. For $8 to the ENTIRE festival you can go see Dave Eggers, James Ellroy, Salmon Rushdie, Carl Hiaasen, and the festival started with George Bush and and ends with Jonathan Franzen! Nuts! There's actually so much comics programming now that I am combing through, that I daresay that this may be this may have more comics programming than most comic book festivals!
Vanessa and Lynda are at 11:30 on Sunday. While Vanessa is from West Palm Beach, I don't believe Lynda has been to Florida in a long time, and it seems that Floridians are excited. The Sun-Sentinel and the Miami New Times. Sunday morning, 11:30, slide shows with signings to follow!
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