Headphone Store And PC Gaming
Models for all of your need from Top Brands like Monster,Soul and many more. Get special price here
Cheap Laptop and Computer System
There are various model and type that you can adjust them. Special discount only this week
Clothings And Accesories
Chic label and style inspiration. Just special day with them. Get special discount here
Motorcycle Accesories
Get special discount for limited motorcycle accesories on current day with special adjustment
Daybreak Originals
Have y'all seen the originals for DAYBREAK?
I know, normally you're all like "That old fogey Brian Ralph? Yeah, sure he was a part of Fort Thunder, but he doesn't do Chippendale/Brinkman-style horror vacui comics where you can't tell up from down. He's all about putting things in boxes or whatever."
But then I'm all like:
That's right folks. 20 panels. Now that's punk.
But then I'm all like:
Denys and John
Dan Nadel has some appreciative moments for Denys Wortman with some James Sturm-supplied outtakes over at Comics Comics.
And Allan Holtz over at Stripper's Guide does some nice excavating to find a Wortman profile in Editor & Publisher from 1929!
Tom Spurgeon makes some excellent Holiday shopping suggestions over at The Comics Reporter including my personal fave (#48. Volumes from the John Stanley Library). But his suggestion of a subscription to King-Cat Comics & Stories is right on too.
{Why am I even mentioning this? It's not like you don't read those sites first anyways.}
Pascal Girard's BIGFOOT
Let me introduce you to a wonderful new book by the Quebec (and, as of recently, Montreal) based cartoonist Pascal Girard.
BIGFOOT is a reflection on youth and budding romantic feelings. Jimmy is torn between Jolene, a friend that he has a crush on, and Jessica, a girl who seems to genuinely like him but he feels reticent about, perhaps because of her eagerness. These feelings and others that go hand-in-hand with teenagerdom are compounded by a video of Jimmy dancing that's gone viral on youtube and his uncle's recent embarrassing internet stardom. (perhaps an allusion to another quebecer with unwanted internet celebrity, STAR WARS KID? hmmm???)
Anyway, as much as we might like to completely forget our adolescences (Gilbert + Sullivan Society? Debate Club? Doc Martens and dyed black hair, anyone?), Girard makes it all so real and relatable that the confusion and pain of being a teenager comes rushing back. But watching Jimmy and his peers is cathatic and even fun, unlike highschool.
For those of you in Montreal, Pascal is going to be launching BIGFOOT at 211 Bernard on December 2nd! So come on out and get a copy signed; watch the office staff drink all of the wine and overstay our welcome until the store staff kicks us out.
This Weekend In Toronto: THE ONE OF A KIND SHOW
THE SELVES artist Sonja Ahlers is in Toronto for One of a Kind show, which sounds pretty epic and crazy over the top as it spotlights 800 artisans for 10 days! This gives me a chance to plug Sonja's upcoming bag with one of my favorite blogs, fieldguided. Also check out this podcast with Sonja on Bitch radio. You can check out what Sonja is selling on her blog.
Interns are awesome! (And Julie is, too!)
Tamaki Designed Ts!
Next weekend at the Brooklyn Comics and Graphics Festival--or as we call it around the office: Brooklyn Art Community Komix Festival and Talks (BACKFAT)--make sure to swing by the D+Q booth on Saturday between 6-8 to have the jack-of-all-trades (jill-of-all-trades?) Jillian Tamaki sign your copy of Indoor Voice. If your copy's already signed, just have a chat with her, tell her about your cats--I hear she's a great listener. And once you're done getting everything off your chest, mosey on over to Desert Island to get your Tamaki designed T. Or, better yet, buy the shirt first and wear it to meet Jillian; she'll surely be impressed.
May I Suggest A Book For You, Ms. Palin.
Sarah, there's this nifty little book full of pictures that totally explains which Korea is our ally. It doesn't even take that long to read!
And while I'm busy suggesting books for you, if you read this other nifty book, you'll be able to understand who was freed from house arrest from where and why the other week. And, it's now even in paperback, it fits in your Hermes handbag!
Sadly, we do not have any books about Russia, but you can see that from your back yard, so you're set in that department.
Your Fellow Mama Grizzly, kisses,
And while I'm busy suggesting books for you, if you read this other nifty book, you'll be able to understand who was freed from house arrest from where and why the other week. And, it's now even in paperback, it fits in your Hermes handbag!
Sadly, we do not have any books about Russia, but you can see that from your back yard, so you're set in that department.
Your Fellow Mama Grizzly, kisses,
Everything! by Lynda Barry
We weren't actually going to announce anything today because it is Thanksgiving after all but my general sour mood exacerbated by lazy and oddly exclusionary year-end lists and unfathomable comics press coverage caused my wisecracks to reach a fever pitch and it seems they were taken at face value by Tom Spurgeon at Comics Reporter so I might as well roll this out.
Next fall will actually see the publication of the first volume of the complete Lynda Barry comics work (consisting primarily of her Ernie Pook's Comeek strip but not limited to just that, oh no!) Things to look forward to are her college strip, "Spinal Comics" (edited by none other than long time pal Matt Groening for the Evergreen State newspaper) and the precursor to Ernie Pook, "Two Sisters". Eventually there will be many other rare or rarely seen tidbits like Lynda's Esquire strips. We're not completely sure how many volumes there will be but we figure somewhere around ten.
Lynda! Barry! Everything! Finally!
Now if you'll excuse me I have some indignant tweeting to attend to.
Please come see us and laugh at our bad French
Peg and I will be attending Angouleme this year. We'll be there for a few days. I urge you to let us know if you are going or plan on dropping by and seeing us in the foreign rights tent. Peg has never been!! And it's been something like 13 years for me so I'm looking forward to seeing some old acquaintances.
Gosh, shucks.
Sometimes as a publicist, you feel like your publicity mailings are going into a black hole. So, it was nice to read novelist and critic Jeff Vandermeer's blog and what it's like to receive a box of D+Q books:
"Other [publishers] stand out by a mile because they’re recognizably coming at readers from a unique or interesting perspective, and because they vary their formats and design approaches while remaining true to some central focus. Drawn & Quarterly always puts out cool books. When they come in the door, I can’t just throw them on the stack."
And then he featurest Eden, Wild Kingdom and The Wrong Place. Thanks Jeff!
"Other [publishers] stand out by a mile because they’re recognizably coming at readers from a unique or interesting perspective, and because they vary their formats and design approaches while remaining true to some central focus. Drawn & Quarterly always puts out cool books. When they come in the door, I can’t just throw them on the stack."
And then he featurest Eden, Wild Kingdom and The Wrong Place. Thanks Jeff!
Cartoonists are celebrities in France.
So the big hub-bub in the office is that Le Dernier Cri published a Johnny 23 which is a version of Toxic which is the Cornelius name of X'ed Out and debuted it at Charles' gallery opening for the book last week in Paris. Crazy, right? But soooooo awesome. And though it looks "pirated" with the fake foreign lettering, and reconfigured artwork, it's not, it comes from, of course, the brilliant mind of Charles.
Check out these photos from Charles' opening:
People, he is mobbed! He can't even drink his beer in peace.
How many people are there?!!
There are several rumors flying around that there will be copies for sale at the Brooklyn Comics and Graphics Festival, as well as the D+Q Librairie in December. Stay tuned.
Frank Santoro interviews Brecht Evens on The Wrong Place
Over at Comics Comics, Frank Santoro smartly breaks down what he thinks are the strengths of Brecht Evens' new graphic novel, The Wrong Place and then he asks Brecht a couple of quick questions about method and meaning. Very illuminating!!
HEY FLORIDA! Go see Lynda Barry & Vanessa Davis!
Vanessa and Lynda are at 11:30 on Sunday. While Vanessa is from West Palm Beach, I don't believe Lynda has been to Florida in a long time, and it seems that Floridians are excited. The Sun-Sentinel and the Miami New Times. Sunday morning, 11:30, slide shows with signings to follow!
There is hope...PURE PAJAMAS
Clowes' WILSON lands at Fox Searchlight with Alexander Payne!
As reported on deadline.com today, Dan Clowes will be adapting his D+Q original graphic novel into a screenplay that has Alexander Payne attached to direct, with Sam Raimi's Stars Road behind the project.
Holy smokes! Not only is the D+Q's book to go Hollywood, boy does it! The obvious question, who will play WILSON? Paul Giametti? Philip Seymour HOffman? Rainn Wilson already blogged about how much he liked the book, and a commenter suggests Bill Murray. Really, I'll take any and all of the above.
Vanessa! Tonight! In! Berkeley! at! Pegasus!
The reviews for MAKE ME A WOMAN keep piling in:
The Miami Herald: "This wonderful collection of disparate slices of her life conveys humor, intelligence and great heart. She's a terrific and entertaining artist, too, and her penciled work is almost as rich as her beautiful color art."
Worcester Magazine reveals: "Davis doesn’t quite reveal the inner life of a typical Jewish girl, because she’s much more clever than that. Rather, she’s captured the interaction between what’s under her skin and unknown to us with the world around her as it prods her reactions."
Jewish Book World: "Fearless...Davis’ artistic style and self-deprecatingly honest voice is reminiscent of Lynda Barry’s autobiographical works. But her stand-out pieces on spending Mother’s Day with her mother and sister in Florida, celebrating the High Holy Days, and critiquing R. Crumb’s take on Genesis are heartwarmingly charming, funny, and in a class by themselves."
NY Mag's Vulture: "A big, bright, quirky collection of charming short pieces, chronicling Davis's interactions with friends, lovers, and her endearing, overbearing mom."
And if you don't live anywhere near Berkeley or Miami, then check out this KQED interview with Vanessa, Lisa Hicks, while speaking with Vanessa, notes "In Make Me a Woman, many pages are fully fleshed out watercolor comics; others seem incomplete -- small borderless sketches on a white page done in pencil with visible eraser marks, like something you'd see in a sketchbook. These drawings aren't stories or even jokes. They're more like musings or fleeting thoughts. A peculiar moment. A look exchanged."
Denys Wortman in the NYT A&L This Sunday!
Can't make Thursday's opening of DENYS WORTMAN REDISCOVERED at the Museum of the City of NY that Tom blogged about? Well, no worries, check out this fabulous story, Gotham Chronicle Sharp Eye and Pencil and slide show, Get Me Redraw penned by Carol Kino that has hit the internet in advance of its Sunday pub date. With quotes from Jules Feiffer & James Sturm! Also, buy the book!
D+Q at the Salon du livre de montreal
13:00-15:00 Diane Obomsawin
14:00-15:00 David Homel
13:00-15:00 Pascal Girard
13:00-15:00 Matt Forsythe
We hope you see you Montrealers out for our first ever time at the Salon!
Denys Wortman at the Museum of the City of New York
By now, you've heard at least something about our Denys Wortman project--Denys Wortman's New York. In brief, James Sturm uncovered thousands of drawings in a shed on Martha's Vineyard by a long forgotten ash-can artist and daily newspaper strip artist. Comprised almost entirely of single-panel gag format strips about New York City drawn in a gorgeous loosely detailed grease-pencil style. In history's inevitable paring down of key players, Denys Wortman had all but disappeared. A man who was close friends with Ernie Bushmiller and Milt Gross (oh, and Peggy Bacon, Thomas Hart Benton, and Reginald Marsh) slipped from view after his death. Fortunately, Sturm's research efforts found a real gem.
After extensive sorting and compiling the drawings by theme, Sturm and co-editor Brandon Elston selected their favorite pieces and created a kind of walk through an average day in New York City. It's an ingenious idea that prevents the book from just being drawing after drawing. They impose a narrative thread that anchors these amazing works.
Our book does a good job of capturing these amazing drawings in print but of course there is no substitute for the real-live-in-person-yellowed-paper drawing. A bit larger than as printed, these things are gorgeous to behold. Well, guess what, if you're in NYC you can see these drawings in person at The Museum of the City of New York in a special exhibition that opens tomorrow night at 6pm. The deets are below:
More! Lynda! Barry! Interviews!
Did I mention that Lynda spoke to a standing room only crowd of 350-plus at the School of the Art Institute on Monday night? And then signed for two hours straight? Did I mention this interview she did with WBEZ? And this interview with Nathalie Atkinson of the National Post who picked her amongst the Harbourfront skyscrapers in Toronto and took her to Kensington Market to go window shopping? Nathalie did a great interview, I mean, they discuss glitter! Le creuset! MAC make-up! Must read!
That's right, the fifteenth and last issue of Anders Nilsen's magnum opus, Big Questions, was approved for printing this morning, which means (if all goes according to plan) Big Questions 15 will be available at The Brooklyn Comics and Graphics Festival in December, where Anders will be a special guest. Can't wait that long for some big answers? Too bad; you've been waiting ten years, another month won't kill you.
It had been a while since I'd read these comics, so being the slacker, er, efficient employee I am, I decided to refresh my memory by sifting through the covers we had on hand.
And lastly....
I'll save the spoilers for another post, but I will tell you that the conclusion to Anders's sometimes-philosophical, always-enchanting parable left me feeling surprisingly different than I had expected--hopeful. I'm not sure how Anders managed to end a story I love without leaving me disappointed, but he did, and I'd say that's a pretty fair measure of success.
And if you're like me and have moved eighteen too many times to have a complete collection of Big Questions, fret not--the 600+ page complete collection will be out this spring in both paperback and limited edition signed and numbered hardcover.
Prepare for your mind to be blown!
This Belgian interview with the great Charles Burns might be the best cartoonist video I've ever seen. It's a 6-1/2 minute long interview set as a doctor/patient analysis. And it's actually a good interview too.
Lynda Barry on NPR's Talk Of The Nation Today!
Tune into NPR's Talk of the Nation today, 11/11/10, to listen to Neal Conan and Lynda Barry in conversation. Be sure to call in!
Kevin Huizenga at Bergen Street Comics in Brooklyn this Saturday!
Bergen Street Comics
Saturday, November 13th, 8pm
470 Bergen Street
Between Flatbush & 5th Avenues
For the Facebook invite, see here.
Feeling the love for MAKE ME A WOMAN
Reviewers everywhere are falling for, relating to, and finding a friend in Vanessa Davis, showing there's a whole lot to love about Make Me A Woman...
Greg McElhatton at Read About Comics declares Make Me A Woman one of his favorite books of the year, finding "...a lot to connect with. And more importantly, fall in love with."
In the opening to her her wonderful interview with Davis, Book By Its Cover's Julia Rothman writes that,"It seems like everyone can compare their experiences with hers. Her stories are real lessons of life: happiness, humility, love, obsessions… told with personality and without editing."
Katie Haegele at the Santa Barbara News-Press compares reading Make Me A Woman to the experience of getting to know someone in real life: "the person we meet in these pages is intelligent, funny, and slightly crabby -- very human, in other words, and a rare writer whose company you enjoy."
Vice Magazine says, "Vanessa Davis’s drawings have a softness to them that feels like sympathetic memories."
The A.V. Club is impressed by how Davis can pack "so much humor and insight into a single drawing..."
While Nicole Rudick over at Comics Comics (who skillfully locates Davis within a history of autobiographical comic artists and female autobiographers and memoirists) loves the details, down to the "characters' upturned noses, bubble mouths, and the occasional double chin..."
And The Factual Opinion just didn't want the book to end: "I feel like I've made a friend who I want to hang out with more."
Keep the love coming!
Woodrow White, Sitting Is Not Selling!
I am getting grief around the office for not posting an APE report, but to my defense, I did have camera issues. Well, here we have a video from Chris Anthony Diaz, which is better than any photo report I could have done, and maybe will still do. (if i can find the cord to my broken camera to see if anything can be salvaged)
Top Graphic Novels of 2010
It looks like those lists are going to start dropping (or already have.) They will almost certainly make me hang my head and shed bitter tears for many a talented cartoonist as well as other excellent publishers. Here's hoping that all the lists don't suffer from a botched even-handedness or lazy Amazon search. This has been an amazing year for comics.
Why, here is a handy list of all the books (twenty eight) that D+Q published this year. A quick count and I come up with ten original graphic novels, three gekiga reprints, seven classic strip reprints, and six translated works.
Dirty Dishes Amy Lockhart - January 5
The Box Man Imiri Sakabashira - January 19
Hicksville (new edition) Dylan Horrocks - March 2
Stooge Pile Seth Scriver - March 16
Market Day James Sturm - March 20
Melvin Monster Volume 2: The John Stanley Library John Stanley - March 30
Black Blizzard Yoshihiro Tatsumi - April 13
Walt & Skeezix Book 4: 1927-1928 Frank King - April 13
Wilson Daniel Clowes - April 27
Catland Empire Keith Jones - June 8
The Selves Sonja Ahlers - June 8
Moomin Book 5: The Complete Tove Jansson Comic Strip Tove Jansson - July 20
Nancy Volume 2: The John Stanley Library John Stanley/Dan Gormley - August 3
Indoor Voice Jillian Tamaki - August 3
The Wild Kingdom Kevin Huizenga - August 31
Eden Pablo Holmberg - August 31
Tubby Volume 3: The John Stanley Library John Stanley/Lloyd White - September 28
Palookaville 20 Seth - October 12
Make Me a Woman Vanessa Davis - October 12
Nipper: 1963-1964 Doug Wright - October 12
Acme 20 Chris Ware - November 9
Who Will Comfort Toffle? Tove Jansson - November 9
Picture This Lynda Barry - November 9
Denys Wortman's New York Denys Wortman, edited by James Sturm and Brandon Elston - November 9
The Wrong Place Brecht Evens - November 9
Burma Chronicles paperback Guy Delisle - November 23
The Native Trees of Canada Leanne Shapton - November 23
A Single Match Oji Suzuki - TBA (should be by the end of the year.)
Why, here is a handy list of all the books (twenty eight) that D+Q published this year. A quick count and I come up with ten original graphic novels, three gekiga reprints, seven classic strip reprints, and six translated works.
Dirty Dishes Amy Lockhart - January 5
The Box Man Imiri Sakabashira - January 19
Hicksville (new edition) Dylan Horrocks - March 2
Stooge Pile Seth Scriver - March 16
Market Day James Sturm - March 20
Melvin Monster Volume 2: The John Stanley Library John Stanley - March 30
Black Blizzard Yoshihiro Tatsumi - April 13
Walt & Skeezix Book 4: 1927-1928 Frank King - April 13
Wilson Daniel Clowes - April 27
Catland Empire Keith Jones - June 8
The Selves Sonja Ahlers - June 8
Moomin Book 5: The Complete Tove Jansson Comic Strip Tove Jansson - July 20
Nancy Volume 2: The John Stanley Library John Stanley/Dan Gormley - August 3
Indoor Voice Jillian Tamaki - August 3
The Wild Kingdom Kevin Huizenga - August 31
Eden Pablo Holmberg - August 31
Tubby Volume 3: The John Stanley Library John Stanley/Lloyd White - September 28
Palookaville 20 Seth - October 12
Make Me a Woman Vanessa Davis - October 12
Nipper: 1963-1964 Doug Wright - October 12
Acme 20 Chris Ware - November 9
Who Will Comfort Toffle? Tove Jansson - November 9
Picture This Lynda Barry - November 9
Denys Wortman's New York Denys Wortman, edited by James Sturm and Brandon Elston - November 9
The Wrong Place Brecht Evens - November 9
Burma Chronicles paperback Guy Delisle - November 23
The Native Trees of Canada Leanne Shapton - November 23
A Single Match Oji Suzuki - TBA (should be by the end of the year.)