Unbound books and interns are both {stage whisper} AWESOME!

Look, by now as an intern you should know what you're in for. You're going to have to appear on the blog. Your mom is going to call you up and say "oh, honey, why did you ever move to Montreal? Are you getting enough to eat? You look pale?" {I don't mean your Mom, Shannon, I just mean the composite production intern Mom who is almost certainly checking the D+Q blog every day.} So here we have two new arrivals--the James Sturm and Brandon Elston edited Denys Wortman's New York and THE! NEW! LYNDA! BARRY! BOOK! Picture This. These are the unbound copies so that's why they're all wobbly and off-kilter looking. But they exist! In almost completed form!
More news on launches and tours for both of these amazing books.

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