Free Comic Book Day 2012 - our second awesome title

So, we've got two Free Comic Book Day comics coming out next year. one is as previously announced an excerpt from Gilbert Hernandez's semi-autobiographical Marble Season and the other is a split of Moomin and french import Anna & Froga. You all know Moomin by now and this is more of that great strip. But Anna & Froga is new in English speaking North America.

I discovered this comic in the French comics section of my local library one Sunday while getting the kids out of the house so Peg could vacuum. While I couldn't read much of it, I could tell it had the right sensibility. I tested it on some neighborhood kids and headed off to Angouleme to meet the author Anouk Ricard. While talking to Thomas Gabison, an editor at Actes Sud, I mentioned that I quite liked her work and he said, "oh, yes, she is one of the best in recent years." A couple minutes later, Marc Bell walked up to me with one of her books and asked if I had seen it. PEOPLE, IT WAS FATE!! So, here's a little preview and watch for the publication of the full book in hardcover come Spring 2012.

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