Pizza Pie…IS OVER!!!

So many books coming out this fall and I think we're actually all caught up here at the office--recently we've received Hark! A Vagrant by Kate Beaton, Daybreak by Brian Ralph, The Death-Ray by Daniel Clowes, Big Questions by Anders Nilsen, The Great Northern Brotherhood of Canadian Cartoonists by Seth, and Nipper, volume two by Doug Wright. {Oh, I guess we're still waiting on The Adventures of Herge by Jose-Louis Bocquet, Jean-Luc Fromental & Stanislas Barthelemy, and copies of Lynda Barry's book Blabber blabber blabber: Everything volume one} So all those non-bracketed books will be at SPX. And some of those creators (specifically Anders, Kate, Brian, and Chester Brown on the tail end of his Paying For It tour.)

But, hey, I left one book off that list! It's Pure Pajamas by Marc Bell. Man, I am excited about this book. Marc and I have been working towards bringing as much of his cartooning into print as possible and Pure Pajamas is the comics followup to the exhaustive art career retrospective of Hot Potatoe. Same jumbo format, all comics. One of my all-time favorite little seen Marc Bell strips is "Amy's Dream of Kittens w/ Kittens and Marc's Dream of Cartoonist Camp." This strip is a tour de force of Marc Bell cartooning--dense chatty dream-y panels with layers of jokes and a surprise prediction of a national tragedy and a hilarious cameo of a bouncing off-the-walls Ron RegƩ Jr.

People, this book is packed with classic Marc Bell cartooning goodness. We've got "Fallen Angel," all time hit "Pizza Pie…is OVER!," numerous baloney appearances and some insightful, inciteful, spiteful, delightful, and rightful music comics. I daresay Marc Bell has reinvented and buried the song adaptation comic.

Oh, and Shrimpy and Paul show up too. WHAT MORE DO YOU NEED?!?! {Rumor corner: Marc Bell is working on a graphic novel that we may see in the Spring of 2013. I SAID IT'S A RUMOR!!}

Of course, Marc will be at SPX as well. HE WILL BE AT THE SPX!!!

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