San Diego Comic-Con Day 2

Today, a whole heap o' signings (of Comic-Con debuts Big Questions and Daybreak!) and two panels:

12:00 - 3:00
Chester Brown signing
1:00 - 5:00
Anders Nilsen and Brian Ralph signing
5:00 - 7:00
Chester Brown signing

3:30-4:30 in Room 26AB 
True Stories— Chester Brown (Paying for It), Tom Devlin (art director of D&Q), Peter Kuper (Stop Forgetting to Remember), Leland Myrick (Feynman), and Thomas LeBien (publisher of Hill & Wang's Novel Graphics line) discuss the ins and outs of nonfiction graphic novel stories. What are the lines between truth and fiction when images are involved in a story? Moderated by Scott McCloud (Understanding Comics).

5:00-6:00 in Room 9 
Epic Literary Adventures— Jeff Smith (RASL, Bone), Anders Nilsen (Big Questions), Brian Ralph (Daybreak & SCAD professor), and moderator Tom Devlin (Drawn & Quarterly creative director) discuss the overlap between literary and fantasy, the science and art of creating an imaginary world, building a story that is serialized over several years, and carving a unique fantastical niche in an industry mostly known for either autobio or superhero.

All I'm saying is if you come out of Comic-Con not knowing about epic literary adventures, we at D+Q will be very disappointed in you.

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