Movie review updates and more.

If you have any review request please leave a comment and tell us you want us to review.
We are changing some of the scores of some of the movie we have reviewed.

Movie reviews that were requested.
Star Wars prequels
The Last Samurai (It may be a while before we review it because we need to watch it again)

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (We have not seen the third yet one and it has been 4 years since we have seen the first one)

If you have any requests please comment.
Movies that we have watched recently that we are going to review(Not is order).
True Grit (2011)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
The Patriot
Sorcerer's Apprentice
Jeremiah Johnson
Enter The Dragon
Gulliver's Travels
Green Hornet
The Bourne Identity

Movie reviews that have been requested that we have not seen yet.

X-men: First Class (We will review it soon as we see it)
Braveheart (We will review it as soon as we see it)

Movies that we WILL NOT review: Harry Potter because of anti-Christian themes, Musicals, Horror movies (except Jaws).

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