A Bump Bump, Thumpin' Bumpin', El Bumpo: Or, look what we have here, a very special new book from da one and only Gilbert Hernandez!

Oh hey guys. We've been so busy getting this book ready for press that we forgot to brag endlessly about it. What in the world is wrong with us? And why are you reading this when you should still be admiring that cover up there? Perfect, non?

A raw, disaffected, punk rock/glam rock/drunk rock/speed-freak rock coming-of-age story about growing up in America, seen through the eyes of Bobby, or Bumperhead. Told in the subtle yet thought-provoking way that only Gilbert can, Bumperhead follows a life as it zooms by — from childhood bullying to first love to the realities of becoming a (disappointing) grownup.

Here's the first five pages for your previewing pleasure. You are welcome, indeed.

Old bumpy, bumpy Bumperhead will debut at Comic-Con 'dis summer. For everybody else, prepare to wrap your mitts around this treat in September. HOORAY FOR GILBERT HERNANDEZ. HOORAY FOR COMICS GENIUS.

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