Firefly Video Game Coming!

At Comic-Con it was announced that there will be a Firefly video game! The unfortunate part is that it will only be released on mobile devices, at least until later. From what has been said, it will probably be an MMO (massive-multiplayer-online) game. While I do love playing the Old Republic, MMOs are not preferred genre of games due to the subscription fees, however I am optimistic about the game and I hope that it makes it way to consoles. What I find slightly confusing is that Fox Media is producing the game, but it is using the music from Serenity, which was produced by Universal. So who actually owns the rights to the Firefly/Serenity franchise? Is it Joss Whedon, Fox, or Universal. I have also heard that Nathan Fillion and some fans where attempting to buy the rights from whoever currently owns, but I believe that it was never ended up happening. If someone knows who owns the rights please comment and tell, but I believe it is still Fox. As for the game itself, I am unsure as to whether I should be excited or angry that Fox is trying to make a cheap cash grab because Browncoats like myself will enviably buy it regardless of how bad the game might be just to experience more Firefly. Either way, "Curse Fox's sudden but enviable betrayal!" Will it turn out to be shiny or a piece of go-se? Please comment below. Also please be sure to check all my Firefly post series. Also look for my review of Serenity next week or later this week.
 Below is a video with more details on the game. 

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