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Serenity Review (Firefly Review Part 4).

To continue my Firefly post series, here is the review for Serenity, the film that mostly concluded the series.Thoughts: Serenity, Joss Whedon's first theatrically released movie and the film continuation of his Firefly TV series. Serenity takes place sometime after the series tying up a few plot threads that the series left hanging. After a scene...

What a Classy Book: Seth's Palookaville 21

Hello, Humans! An unbound copy of the inimitable Seth's Palookaville 21 just arrived in the office! And it looks so so gorgeous! So much debossing. So much shine. So much stunning artwork. Not only is Seth one of the greatest cartoonists to ever pick up an ink pot, but he's also a very talented painter, and it's always a treat when another of his...

Coming Soon: August 2013

Hello once again everybody! Jordan from Rath's Reviews here for another edition of Coming Soon. Let's recap July real quick (click on the titles for my reviews):Despicable Me 2: An absolute delight and a better animated offering than what Pixar gave us this year. Also one of the funniest movies so far. (Rath's Review Score: 8.5/10)The Lone Ranger:...

Bloglovin', Facebook, Twitter, and More.

Today J and J Productions is expanding into more social media! J and J Productions is now on Bloglovin', Facebook, Twitter, Skype, Xbox Live, and Wii. Below are details about each new way to follow J and J Productions and if you are on any of these sites, please comment with a link to your site and I will, follow, and/or like. Also if you have...

John Williams Scoring Star Wars Ep. VII and Posting Schedule.

Finally some awesome news about the Star Wars Ep. VII, the greatest composer to ever live, John Williams is officially signed on to score the new Star Wars film! This is the best news to come from the new Star Wars trilogy since the old cast was returning. Star Wars just is not Star Wars without Williams' legendary score. Hopefully Williams...

Doctor Who Tag: Part 1.

Banríon An Gheimhridh at Climbing the Alpine Path created a Doctor Who tag and tagged me. It consists of 20 questions about Doctor Who and I plan to answer five questions every week. Also at the end of this post I have tagged a few other Doctor Who fans that I believe might be interested in doing. Allons-y!Day 1 - When and why did you start watching...


Yes! I have finally reached 100 blog followers! Thank you, all of you for following this blog and commenting over the past two years. Reaching 100 followers has been a goal of mine since I became obsessed with blogging, and now I have finally accomplished it! Actually, now there are 102 followers of the blog! Unfortunately, I do not...

The Wolverine Review Roundup.

The Wolverine is coming out in theaters today, what do the critics think? Well, most say that the Wolverine is a great movie. Despite everyone's expectations, the Wolverine turns out to be the standalone Wolverine movie everyone wanted. Some critics are praising it for its themes, handling of the source material, and fun, and mostly grounded,...

Firefly Video Game Coming!

 At Comic-Con it was announced that there will be a Firefly video game! The unfortunate part is that it will only be released on mobile devices, at least until later. From what has been said, it will probably be an MMO (massive-multiplayer-online) game. While I do love playing the Old Republic, MMOs are not preferred genre of games due to the...

Agents of SHIELD and Agent Carter One-Shot Positive Reception.

The pilot episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the new Agent Carter Marvel One-Shot were revealed at the San Diego Comic-Con to a positive reception! While most of us will have to wait until September 24th for the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. pilot, the reviews from San Diego Comic-Con are a very positive sign. Most are saying that the humor is great...

Ten Years of Louis Riel

This September marks a handful of tenth anniversaries here at D+Q, including Chester Brown's Louis Riel. Look at this fabulous cover that Chester came up with for the anniversary edition. Chester has always had a great color sensibility and aesthetic, but does it get better than this? And speaking of covers, this edition features a special 60 page...

Death Note Review.

Thoughts: Death Note is a critically acclaimed psychological fantasy thriller anime. In general, Japanese anime is not my favorite. Other than the Iron Man anime I have yet to actually finish any anime series or film, until Death Note. Even though I did expect Death Note to be good, it took me by surprise because the series was amazing! One of...

Batman/Superman Movie Officially Announced

It is official, Batman will be part of the Man of Steel of sequel! What millions of fans have clamoring for is finally becoming a reality. The movie is set to be released in 2015, the same year as Star Wars Ep. VI, Avengers 2, and Ant-Man, therefore 2015 could be the most epic year in the history of cinema. Zack Sndyer is coming back to direct...

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