There are rumors that a standalone Yoda, young Han Solo and Boba Fett films are a possibility. Although these are just rumors (official report below), however a Yoda movie is the most likely of the ones noted. OK, a young Han Solo movie would be awful! You cannot recast Han Solo, he is my favorite film hero and no should ever play the character other than Harrison Ford, except in an animation role. A Boba Fett film could be cool, and might even work well because his character has been developed in the Clone Wars series. A movie Yoda is not something I want to see. Starting a completely CGI character that could not easily use motion capture would turn out terribly. Yoda needs to be a mysterious character and no further development needs to be made. Disney, please do not make Han Solo and Yoda movies! Make the "Seven Samurai, or Boba Fett films, those could work.
Here is the Entertainment Weekly report.
"The Han Solo story would take place in the time period between Revenge of the Sith and the first Star Wars (now known as A New Hope), so although it’s possible Harrison Ford could appear as a framing device, the movie would require a new actor for the lead — one presumably much younger than even the 35-year-old Ford when he appeared in the 1977 original. The Boba Fett film would take place either between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back, or between Empire and Jedi, where the bounty hunter was last seen plunging unceremoniously into a sarlacc pit. Exactly who would play him isn’t much of a complication – in the original trilogy, he never took off his helmet. And in the prequels, we learned he was the son of the original stormtrooper clone, played by Temuera Morrison, who’s still the right age for the part if his services were required."
What do you think of this news? Please comment below. Remember these are just rumors and could even be confirmed false in the near future.
With Valentine's day coming up I would like to know if the readers would like to see a Top Fictional Couples list?
I was originally going to post one of the Reader's Choice picks today but I thought this news needed to be posted. Please check back tomorrow for my review of the recent Clone Wars episode and next week I will post your reader's choice picks.
Below are some videos about the rumors.
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