Why Disney Buying Star Wars is Good and Bad.

While many Star Wars fans were outraged that Lucas sold Lucasfilms to Disney for 4.4 billion dollars. I am one of the few people on blogger who are actually glad and excited for more Star Wars. I do not even a big Disney fan, with the exception of The Avengers few of their movies appeal to me. Here are my reasons why I believe it is a good thing and a few reasons why it could be terrible.
No More Changes
With Lucas out of the picture I seriously doubt that there will be anymore stupid, and unnecessary changes to the original trilogy. They may even release the original theatrical cut on DVD and Blu-Ray and we can all forget that terrible nightmare that is Greedo shooting first. We can all agree that this is a great thing. However, Fox owns the rights for the next few years so actually getting the originals is unlikely for a while.
It Can't Be Worse Than Jar Jar
There is almost no way that Disney would let something worse than Jar Jar on screen. Someone at Disney would be like "That is terrible. We are not using it." There will be many people to keep the movie from being turning into something bad.
Have You Seen The Avengers?
After Disney bought Marvel, their first Marvel film under the Disney name was The Avengers and it turned out to be one of the best films ever made. It was everything and more than any fan could have imagined.
By a Fan for the Fans
As The Avengers showed, hiring a highly skilled fan like Joss Whedon who wants to make an amazing Star Wars film. Directors like J.J. Abrams, Peter Jackson, or any great director that is not George Lucas. There are many directors who were inspired by Star Wars to direct film and would kill for the chance to direct such an iconic franchise. The same goes for screen writers and with the correct supervision by the producers we can finally have another great Star Wars movie.
No More Lucas
Let's face it, as much as I enjoyed the prequels Episodes I and II had some terrible dialogue. Someone should have told Lucas this is not working and get help re-writing the script. Now more skilled writing will be writing the script and it should be great.
The Classic Heroes Could Return
There are rumors that Mark Hamil, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford could return to play their role in the upcoming movies. Finally the three best fictional characters ever written could return to the big screen and if they continue the story after the Expanded Universe novels it would be amazing.
Why it Could be Terrible
While I am optimistic, there are some things that Disney could do to ruin the franchise.
Recast the Characters
You cannot recast Han, Luke and Leia! If they are recasted there is no way that it can be a good thing. Just please Disney do not recast the character!
Screws Up the Expanded Universe
Since it has been confirmed that the upcoming Episode 7,8 and 9 are not going to be based on any pre-existing expanded universe novels, it is important not screw up years of established continuity. Hopefully the new movies will take place after the current novels and follow what has previously been set-up. If we are lucky, the movies will continue with the Skywalker and Solo children when Luke, Han and Leia are much older.
Too Many Movies

Some reports say that Disney is planning to make a Star Wars movie every two or three years, which is a terrible idea. Just make a trilogy and then let it be for a while and contunue Star Wars with TV shows.
 No More Clone Wars
Because The Clone Wars is currently shown on the Cartoon Network channel, which has no affiliation with Disney. Worse case scenario the series is canceled without a proper end to the series. Or the series is moved to the vastly inferior DisneyXD and could mean more "Kid Friendly" episodes and would completely ruin the series. Hopefully the series can finish its run on Cartoon Network and the upcoming "Star Wars Detours" will be shown on DisneyXD.
 The fact there is another Star Wars movie coming has yet to really sink in and I still cannot believe it is actually happening.
What is your opinion on the subject? Please comment below.

 Here is a video by the famous Schmoes who are also optimistic about Disney. However they do not like the prequels, but they are excited to see Disney owning Star Wars.
If you want to contact us or have any question please send an e-mail to johnstarslayer@gmail.com.

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