Palookaville 20th Anniversary!

Yes, 2011 marks two decades since Seth's seminal title debuted, making Palookaville one of the longest running series in the medium. When Palookaville began in 1991 Seth was only D+Q's second "solo artist" published outside of the anthologies (Julie Doucet's Dirty Plotte preceded it by about 6 months). Although that first issue has never been collected in book form, we actually still have a few copies left of the 10th anniversary edition, published back in 2001.

Any regular readers of this blog are likely familiar with the distinguished career Seth went on to have over the following two decades, so let's move on to this award shown at top. I can't seem to find too many references to it, but according to Seth (writing in his upcoming book, The Great Northern Brotherhood of Canadian Cartoonists), it is "the G.N.B.C.C.'s highest award: 'the Journeyman.' It has only 9 winners." I'll have to check on this, but I'm pretty sure Seth must have won it at some point leading up to this 20th anniversary (probably right after Chester Brown, recipient for the 1990s). It's the least they could have done.

As you all know, Seth doesn't slow down even for a cigarette break these days: after this October's release of the G.N.B.C.C. Seth will be turning in a new hardcover volume (#21) of Palookaville, due in early 2012.

Congratulations on the 20th anniversary Seth! It's been a real honor.

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