Lynda Barry, Helping Montrealers Fight Their S.A.D.

This Saturday, January 15th at 7:00PM, the Librairie D+Q is hosting its first offsite event with Lynda Barry at the Ukrainian Federation in Mile End, sponsored with our pals at Pop Montreal! Tickets are $5, which also gets you $5 off the purchase of Picture This The Nearsighted Monkey Book. There are still tickets on sale online, at 211 and there will be some sold at the door, which opens at 6:30 PM. BUT ARRIVE EARLY if you are a procrastinator, as Montreal is HOPPING with excitement that Ms. Lynda Barry is making her visit to our fair city. Melora Koepke of the Montreal Hour interviews Lynda and recalls scouring Vancouver for the Georgia Straight to read Ernie Pook and keep an eye open for other interviews to pop up in print and on the CBC. It's a good thing Lynda is coming because winter in Montreal is bleak, and we need some good old fashion Wisconsin sunshine (???) to brighten up things around here.

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