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Google Alerts Mondays

Bring you what may be the best Tumblr ever. I don't care what you have to say, this is still better than Selleck Waterfall Sandwich or Bea Arthur Mountains Pizza.Behold! And forever lament that your kitchen (??) doesn't have a Moomin mur...

Pour les francophones

Pascal Girard has been participating in the 24 heures de la bande dessinée in France, and his contribution is pretty darn charming.This here's my favourite panel, but make sure to check out his whole 14 strip story on the 24 h website, and all the other contributions too - this year's Popeye-them...

Palookaville 20 & Acme 20 in the Globe and Mail

Brad Mackay does a nice job dissecting Seth's Palookaville 20, Chris Ware's Acme Novelty Library 20, and Julie Doucet's My New New York Diary in this review from the Saturday Globe and Mail.Of Palookaville 20, he has this to say:"Rendered in muted blues and blacks, it’s a stark tale of the dark side of capitalism. As farewells go, Palookaville #20...

Peg can't get out of the Rights Tent {Angouleme: Day Two}

The day started off with a mis-set alarm clock and a couple of missed appointments but after our half hour drive in we arrived for the first day of business. Peg did a panel with the other foreign rights guests: Calista Brill from First Second, Todd Martinez from Image and formerly of Comic Relief (who told us how Tintin in Tibet in Tibetan was one...

Introducing Adrian Norvid

I've been chuckling away working on the upcoming Nogoodniks by Adrian Norvid, and though it only fair that I share a little sneak peek with everyone.Adrian is, in general, extremely cheeky and pun-y (not to be confused with puny considering, as he likes to point out, Adrian is very tall), and this book is certainly no exception. While these pun-laden...

More Criterion, More Adrian, More Ozu

It seems like just last week we were telling you about Dan Clowes doing artwork for the Criterion Collection.This week, Adrian Tomine! He's done the cover (and interior artwork) for a two-DVD Ozu box set, The Only Son and There Was A Father.Eric Skillman, an art director for Criterion, has put up a really interesting blog post where he talks about...

Seth Scriver exhibit at Harbourfront

As part of the Harbourfront Centre's Winter 2011 exhibition series, Seth Scriver is displaying some pieces that will look familiar to people who own his Petit Livre Stooge Pile. The public opening reception is tomorrow, Friday January 28th, from 6 to 10 pm at Toronto's Harbourfront Centre, 235 Queens Quay West."The Do-it-yourself Section is a selection...

Paul in the Airport {Angouleme: Day One}

Hey, Peg and I are running late and we run into Michel Rabagliati at the airport. So we stop to have a drink and almost miss the plane. OF COURSE!!Hours later after suffering through a soundless Eat Pray Love on the airplane (as well as a listening to an excited teen tell a stewardess that the fluid used to de-ice the plane has the same chemical make-up...

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