Perfect Timing: New Vanessa Davis Comic on Tablet: New Book in Stores: Tablet event next week at the Strand

What better way to celebrate Vanessa's MAKE ME A WOMAN being in stores than to read a new strip in Tablet, the web magazine that originally serialized most of the stories in the book. And to top off this perfect fortuitous pairing, please join us a week from today, Wednesday the 6th 7 PM, for an event hosted by Tablet at the Strand in NYC where Vanessa will discuss the book with none other than fellow Tablet contributor Marjorie Ingall (as a former Sassy reader, this really tickles me pink!) If I had to guess, their conversation will be unlike all other perfunctory comic book event conversations ever, you know "do you listen to music while drawing?" "who is your favorite artist?". I am sure, or can only hope, that they wax adoringly about Crystal Renn for a good 20 minutes and if not that, then maybe Project Runway and their favorite Pucci patterns.

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