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Here's to Tom Devlin, formerly the Highwater in Highwater Books

Perhaps you have seen this press release regarding Friday's opening of a Highwater Books retrospective in Boston at the Fourth Wall Project. It doesn't mention him by name, so when reading it, every time you see "Highwater Books" substitute "Tom Devlin" and "he" for "it" and "crazy lunatic" for "company" and you'll get a minibiography of ten years...

Perfect Timing: New Vanessa Davis Comic on Tablet: New Book in Stores: Tablet event next week at the Strand

What better way to celebrate Vanessa's MAKE ME A WOMAN being in stores than to read a new strip in Tablet, the web magazine that originally serialized most of the stories in the book. And to top off this perfect fortuitous pairing, please join us a week from today, Wednesday the 6th 7 PM, for an event hosted by Tablet at the Strand in NYC where Vanessa...

Sale Extended Until This Friday!

Due to last week's arrival of MAKE ME A WOMAN and PALOOKAVILLE 20 to our US warehouse, we extended our sale to this Friday. Both books are in stock and on sale by 3...

Countdown to Creativity

So we're about six weeks away from PICTURE THIS being in stores across North America. If we haven't mentioned it before, Lynda finished the book on August 30th, and the chief worked his magic and turned the book straight around to the printer in order to make her October events. So for the next six weeks, I'll be doing blog post after blog post giving...

Toronto! This Sunday!

D+Q makes its annual pilgrimage to Toronto's Word On The Street festival this Sunday (Sept 26). Come visit us at booth 244 in Queen's Park, where we'll have numerous books not yet available in stores:The "Lint" on the cover refers to Jordan Lint, whose entire life is documented, from birth to death, within the pages the 20th volume of Chris Ware's...

Remember, Chris


D+Q at Word on the Street! Chester Brown!

It's the chief's annual outing to Toronto to spend some quality time with his Toronto pals. He'll arrive early enough on Saturday to take in the Lewis Trondheim event the Beguiling is putting on at Town Hall. And then bright and early on Sunday morning, he'll be at Word On The Street at Queen's Park starting at 11 AM to answer all of your where is...

James Sturm Signing In Burlington!

If you see this man tomorrow at the Performing Arts Center at the Burlington Book Festival from 1:00-2:00 PM, put down the hacky sack, put out the American Spirit, sit down to listen to his presentation on Market Day. After the show, buy his book, and also buy him a hemp beer and gluten free muffin. This man just keeps going and going, he needs to...

More sale stuff, more great books!!

I had this sudden realization as I was unpacking books for SPX a couple of weeks ago that the last couple of years have been amazing artistically for D+Q. Just great book after great book. Sure, this is our personal blog and everything on here is kind of an ad but I really mean it. But don't worry, I'm also aware that there is so much great stuff coming...

"Actually, I don't think I look like him at all."

Whatever, Woody! Say, did you know this nifty new Nipper: 1963-1964 collection just-in-stores is now available as part of our 30% sale. Ya! It totally ...

Man I miss Amy Lockhart...

It's hard to forget how great it was having Amy Lockhart around in Montreal and Border Crossings' recent article about her certainly doesn't help!Drawing comparisons between Lockhart and many of her peers like Marcel Dzama and Shary Boyle, this article acts as a kind of guide to her work through a series of recurring characters. Author Lee Henderson...

Sikoryak in GQ

Be sure to check out this Peanuts parody in GQ this month by R. Sikoryak. He apparently did 9 other parodies too, with NY Magazine's Scott Brown as this Washington Post article explai...

Brooklyn Book Festival (and Domy!)

Sorry for the lateness here! The week before last I was down in New York for the Brooklyn Book Festival, a one day, outdoor street festival featuring all kinds of wonderful publications. Unfortunately, this year was rained-out, which maybe affected my mood as it turns out I forgot to take a lot of photos. Still, there were a significant number of enthusiastic...

HELL'S BELLS: Lynda Barry on Tour This Fall!

People, really, is there anything better than a new Lynda Barry book?!?!!? Well, just a new Lynda Barry book, and events to go with it! PICTURE THIS: THE NEARSIGHTED MONKEY book is amazing, it even has Marlys in it!!!!. Lynda turned it in this August, and the Chief worked his magic so that it is at the printer now as I type. A previewof the book...

In Stock and On Sale.

Two books just arrived at our warehouses today that we have now put on sale and will ship anywhere in the world!Kevin Huizenga's WILD KINGDOM was $19.95/$22.95 and now is $13.96/$16.06!!! 30% off!John Stanley's TUBBY was $29.95/$34.95 and now is $20.95/$24.95!!!! 30% off! A list of all new D+Q titles that are on sale can be found he...

John P and Noah Van Sciver at Kilgore tonight

Oh, you already know about this. But the latest leg of the King-Cat/Blammo tour winds up tonight in Denver. Two great cartoonists for the price of one.Tonight in DenverKilgore Books and Comics6 PM624 E. 13th Ave.Denver, CO 80203ph. (303) 815-1...

Mat Brinkman / New York

NSFW: Go down a bit and you get to the Brinkman show. It's worth it. There are some great photos after the food blogging. The interminable insufferable food bloggi...


Drawn & Quarterly will be publishing the all new original graphic memoir, PAYING FOR IT, by the legendary cartoonist Chester Brown in the Spring of 2011, it was announced today by Editor-In-Chief and Publisher Chris Oliveros. PAYING FOR IT chronicles Brown's break up with a long time girlfriend and his subsequent search and examination of the need...

Interns are awesome, so awesome!

Here we see new publicity intern Fiona holding the ACME 20 poster for the new Chris Ware at Adam Baumgold Gallery show. Here's a fun fact--Fiona's mom worked at Fantagraphics years and years ago (when it was still in LA!)Yes, of course, we've asked if there are phot...

Chris Ware Opening at Adam Baumgold--Copies of Acme 20 Available!

Thursday night at the Adam Baumgold Gallery on the Upper East Side, will be an opening for Chris Ware and a NYC launch for the 20th volume of the Acme Novelty Library, in stores in October. If you have never seen Ware's originals and want to buy his new edition of Acme, be sure to go, as originals from his new comic will be on display, and everything...

SPX 2010 {"I think I was in Rockville?" or "You're a good person."}

I do like the SPX show very much. It has always been my favorite show because of its focus on mini-comics and you-can-only-find-it-here feel as well as the fact that you are stuck in that hotel together practically forcing you to get to know people you might not in other circumstances. Do you have practically unlimited drunken access to your favorite...

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