Black Blizzard, the new crime-noir thriller written and drawn by Yoshiro Tatsumi more than 50 years ago, hits most stores today. Given the content and context of the book, Adrian Tomine designed Black Blizzard as a 1950s pulp novel. With every detail, his intention was to match the sensibility of "hard-boiled" dime store novels of that era, from the printed edges of the pages (how often is that done anymore?), to the rough, pulpy interior stock, to the jolting, eye-popping back cover descriptive text.
For more context on Black Blizzard, see the chapter devoted to its creation in Tatsumi's 2009 memoir, A Drifting Life. Adrian also conducted a new interview with Tatsumi, which is featured at the end of Black Blizzard. Also, scroll down a few inches to see Tom's post from earlier today.
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