Yes, interns are awesome... but Vanessa Davis is awesomer! Sorry, interns! Sorry!

If my understanding of the chemical properties of awesomeness is correct, awesome new D & Q intern Sarah is growing exponentially more awesome with every awesome piece of Vanessa Davis artwork she scans!

Flipping through the thick binders of gorgeous originals Vanessa sent us is like hanging out with the artist at her kitchen table; the backs and margins of the pages are filled with notes, phone numbers, grocery lists, and tons of drawings and sketches in various states of completion (hey Vanessa, whose dogs?). Here's a sample page of charming sketches that may or may not end up in Vanessa's book, coming out in fall 2010.

P.S. Just kidding about the post title, interns: you're totally awesome! I don't want to provoke a mutinterny (ouch) or internfada (ooh)!

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