Headphone Store And PC Gaming

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Marc Bell Tattoo!

Well, it definitely beats that "Emily Strange as Che Guevara" tattoo I was planning on getting....(Some guy in Spain's sweet tattoo of Taco from SHRIMPY AND PA...

Perfect Gift for Valentines Day (HINT HINT HINT)

look what's come up for bidding on ebay!!! Where are they selling the...

Worth The Wait...A New Hicksville!

Yesterday, 80 advance copies of the new edition of the graphic novel classic, Hicksville, arrived at DQHQ, which has been out of print for the past few years. In addition to the fancy, and very beautiful new cover {front and back}, there are redrawn endpapers, notes and glossary, a half inch larger size, and best of all...a completely new comics introduction...

Too Big For Our Britches

Our 20th anniversary has resulted in profiles of the company in some unusual press outlets. Last Fall, we had a profile in Canadian Geographic (which unfortunately is not online), Canadian Business and yesterday's travel section of the New York Times. Sadly, the photo editor thought of a shot of hockey jerseys was more appropriate than of our store, but I won't complain, you will just have to come see the store for yourself one d...

Have you been keeping up...

with Gabrielle Bell's blog??? She concluded her story "Richmond, Virginia" this week, which you should totally check out along with the color strips she's been putting up there.Also, if you are in the NYC area next Thursday (Jan 28), be sure to check out her panel discussion with Jillian Tamaki and Jessica Abel (and moderator Calvin Reid) at the Brooklyn...

The magic in a little girl's smile

It's next to impossible not to the smile at Nancy's idiosyncratic ingenuity as depicted on the John Stanley-scripted, Dan Gormley-drawn (I think?) covers for Dell's 1960s Nancy comics, featured below. Even when the gag isn't obvious, or even much of a gag at all... I mean, dogs under an umbrella! ADORABLE!These four issues of Nancy will be collected...

Congrats to Matt Forsythe and the NFB.

Ojingogo's Matt Forsythe posted on his day job's blog, The NFB, that since they have posted films online and created an iphone app, their online viewership has grown. Just wait until they post that currently in production documentary on Seth... The NFB site is great, and one can easily lose a few hours of their day on it.The NFB is so great and their reputation is so renowned, that my Aunt Sandy in Syracuse NY (and obviously way cooler than me) asked me to buy her the ShowPeace series of videos. I was especially delighted to do so, when one...

Team Acme

Well I was on Team Coco, but now I may have to be on Team Acme! Tip off on the homage from Adam Kempa.Speaking of Mr. Ware, congratulations are in order for his nomination for the Brit Insurance Design Awards for his November New Yorker cov...

s a l e

The Box Man!Thirteen Going on Eighteen!Map of My Heart!Hot Potatoe!Dirty Dishes!Red Snow!The reason for this striking list of cover art is this -from now until Friday, January 29th this fine lineup of titles will be 25% off on our websiteWOW! Don't miss out! They are all so good and so n...

How Awesome is the Strand?

There is a reason why the Strand is legendary, they are awesome. They just added this Sikoryak bag to their "totes by awesome cartoonists" collection....

VANESSSA DAVIS, what are you going to do?

Check out the final installment of Vanessa Davis' memoir series for Tablet, in which she wonders about the future. The perfect strip to start off 20...

Julie Doucet's prim ar

Attention, Montrealers: from January 16th to February 20th, local print centre ArPrim will be hosting a group show featuring many of our favorite Montreal print artists, including D & Q author Julie Doucet! The party begins with a vernissage at 3pm on Saturday, at 372 Sainte-Catherine Ouest, room 426. See you the...

Yes, interns are awesome... but Vanessa Davis is awesomer! Sorry, interns! Sorry!

If my understanding of the chemical properties of awesomeness is correct, awesome new D & Q intern Sarah is growing exponentially more awesome with every awesome piece of Vanessa Davis artwork she scans!Flipping through the thick binders of gorgeous originals Vanessa sent us is like hanging out with the artist at her kitchen table; the backs and...

You will go to this, New Yorkers!!


Mari good times

If you find yourself in or around east coast Canada in the coming weeks, go and see Marc Bell's exhibition of drawings, collages and various constructions ("high-wall wall installation"!) at Mount Allison University's Owens Art Gallery - January 16th - February 21stafter wandering the ragged coasts, check out Pulp Fiction, the touring exhibition organized...

Thirteen Going on... sale soon!

Hold on to your yows and zazus: the latest volume in our ongoing John Stanley Library collection hits shelves next week with a resonant thwack! Lovingly designed by Seth with all-new art and a lengthy personal essay by way of introduction, this hefty volume collects the first nine issues of Thirteen Going on Eighteen, the teen comics series written...

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