Book Expo America 2008

I didn't go to BEA this year. Chris and Jamie S. went. But since I won't give Jamie blogging privileges (it's a very rigorous course of tests) then I was asked to post the photos. I'm pretty sure it was Jamie's first time in Los Angeles.

"This is what you get when you cancel Peggy's hotel reservation because you plan on sleeping on Joe Matt's floor but then change your mind and book a new hotel during the height of convention season."

Jamie S. with William Shatner.

Oh. Okay, this is Shatner. That must be Garrison Keillor in the previous photo.

Good ol' Joe Matt.

Chris patiently looks over a submission from Chip Kidd.

Yep, first time in Los Angeles.

Crap! I'm at a loss.

Ron Rege, Jr. and Jordan Crane at dinner. I think Jordan is sizing up Ron's "stache".

Wait. Was it dinner? I see a lot of coffee mugs on the table too. Where do the shadows fall on the West Coast? {Pictured Jason Miles, Jamie Salomon, and the "very photogenic" Joe Matt.}

See Ron and Jordan have beers, but everyone else has a coffee mug. It's still light outside in the photo before last so it doesn't seem like it's a late dinner. It could be breakfast. I know some people get an espresso after a meal but look at the size of those mugs. It just doesn't add up!! I think this whole thing was staged.

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