Paul and Jim reviews on Newsarama

...Michel Rabagliati's Paul Goes Fishing and Raymond Briggs's Gentleman Jim, that is.

Newsarama's Michael C. Lorah compares Rabagliati to Harvey Pekar and Alison Bechdel, in his talent for autobiography:

"Autobiographical material is a tough genre to work in... Michel Rabagliati's Paul Goes Fishing is, to my surprise and enjoyment, another case of a cartoonist being able to deliver a compelling story about nothing more than himself, in this case by focusing on family ties... It's an amazing accomplishment that Rabagliati can move so confidently between the light-hearted banter of a family enjoying their vacation to the heart-wrenching grief of Lucie's miscarriage... Paul Goes Fishing is a very smartly written, well drawn glimpse into the everyday life of an ordinary man."

Lorah also reviews the much-anticipated Briggs classic reprint, coming in July:

"An award-winning children's book author, Briggs began, with this book, to spin stories that retained a childish whimsy but tackled heavier subjects that adult readers could relate to... Gentleman Jim is a purely charming, funny consideration of dreamers and the ways the world conspires against us."

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