New Comic-Con Magazine

As they say themselves in the first issue of the redesign of the San Diego Comic-Con International magazine, the new design is a "major upgrade" as anyone who received the old Update pamphlet can attest. Now you can download the magazine, which I highly recommend for the in-depth Rutu Modan Special Guest interview. Here's part of the Q+A we all enjoyed here in the office:

San Diego Comic Con: 2008 will mark your first appearance as a special guest at Comic-Con. How do you feel about appearing at comic conventions and how do they differ from Europe to the U.S.?

Rutu Modan: I am very excited to be a guest at Comic-Con. I never thought it would happen. I heard so much about the convention, of course, and planned to go there many times. I haven't had a chance to attend many comic conventions in the U.S. I have only been at SPX twice, and at conventions in France and Italy a few times. There is some
difference between the American comic fans and artists and the French ones when I think of it. In France, the comic artists are considered very hip and are treated like rock stars, so they dress stylishly and are not very friendly. In America, where comics have been considered a lower art form (or not "art" at all), the artists I've met are much more shy and pleasant, regardless of how much they've achieved, and you can seldom guess how successful they are by looking at their clothes!

The magazine also has a Kirby 101, "What I am Reading" section where Shanon K. Garrity gives a shout-out to Moomin and APE preview. San Diego is in July, and this post officially marks the first of many that will tell you to go.

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