Chicago Tribune gives Rutu some love

Julia Keller of the Chicago Tribune recently spoke with Rutu Modan about her book Exit Wounds, and wrote this wonderful article for last Sunday's edition. Some excerpts here:

"Rutu Modan's Exit Wounds [is] a graphic novel set amid the chaos and despair of the Middle East that somehow, even in that contested place, achieves a kind of radiant calm... Her tale reveals the sound beneath the sound: the love that can flourish just one layer down from the blood and destruction."

"Modan is part of a new generation of comics artists who combine eccentric drawing styles with a willingness to engage intensely topical issues."

"In fact, one of the quiet wonders of Exit Wounds is how thoroughly it begins to inhabit the reader's consciousness, so that after a while, a trip to the morgue to identify what may potentially be one's parent fails to seem remarkable or excruciating. It just seems like another item on a to-do list. Thus does a world of violence and rage come to appear normal, and bearable."

Her event was also written up on

Rutu Modan in San Francisco tomorrow! Thursday, Oct. 18th, at the Cartoon Art Museum, 655 Mission Street, 7:00 PM.

****Also tomorrow**** John Porcellino is in Bloomington, IN, Indiana University, Fine Arts Bldg, Rm 015, 5:30 PM: Slide show, Q+A, and signing.

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