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The Tragedy of the Smashed Banana

I heard from Betty Bong--Lynda Barry's fab assistant-- last week with some bittersweet news:"It is a sad international (yes, even sweet Toronto!) fact that, with the corporation-a-fying and conglomaratin' of independent newspapers, comic strips/artists are bring dropped from weekly publications like they was flies!"The bright side is that Lynda will...

Moomin in Stores!

So today marks the day that Moomin The Complete Tove Jansson Comic Strip Book Two is now in stores. For a while on Friday, if you visited the Barnes & Noble website, the first image you saw when visiting the site was the cover to Moomin 2. Amy Benfer has written an extensive piece on Tove and her legendary creations for the new B&N review....

John P in Denver Today!

If you're in Denver don't miss the last stop on John's tour!Saturday Oct. 27, 2007 - Denver, CO Meininger Art Supply499 Broadway, Denver, CO 80203(303) 698-3838 1 PM: Comics Panel Discussion, presentation, and sign...

Joe Sacco in Minneapolis

Rain Taxi sponsors a reading series as a further demonstration of its commitment to literary culture. All events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.JOE SACCOTuesday, November 13, 2007, 7:00 pm$10 ($8 for Walker Members and Rain Taxi subscribers)Walker Art Center1750 Hennepin Avenue, MinneapolisCelebrated cartoonist JOE SACCO visits Minneapolis for a special presentation co-hosted by Rain Taxi Review of Books and the Walker Art Center. Appearing in conjunction with the Walker exhibition Brave New Worlds, Sacco will offer a visual...

De Superman au Chat du Rabbin

Miriam just sent us this picture of her "wall" at the The Musee d'art et d'histoire du Judaisme in Paris, up for De Superman au Chat du Rabbin, an exhbition on Jewish cartoons and graphic novels illustrating how the comic strip contributed to the construction of contemporary Jewish collective memory. The exhibition is up in Paris from October 16, 2007...

What's Anders been up to?

It would seem this {Ups to FAMILY blog for pointing this out.}Oh yeah, the new issue of Big Questions (#10) is in stores next week!!Also, I apologize for using the word "up...


From Moomin fan, Joey Weis...

Adrian in Toronto...

A review in EYE Weekly, and a profile in the National Post. Joining a review from NOW in last week's iss...

File Under PR Formality: D+Q Announces Second Shortcomings Printing; New Foreign Rights Deals

D+Q has scheduled a second printing of Adrian Tomine's Shortcomings with additional foreign rights sold to Rizzoli (Italy), Random House Mondadori (Spain) and Reprodukt (Germany), it was announced today by Chris Oliveros, Drawn & Quarterly, EIC and Publisher. After multiple offers and auctions at the Frankfurt Book Festival, the three deals, brokered by Samantha Haywood of the Transatlantic Literary Agency, join existing contracts with Faber & Faber (UK), Editions du Seuil (France) and Oog en Blik (Netherlands). Shortcomings arrived in...

Adrian at the IFOA in Toronto this weekend!


Rutu's NYT blogs now free!

I am so excited these are now readily readable online: Rutu's 6-part column is archived here. I become a bigger fan with every new piece I read of hers, plus she sent in this beautiful print as a thanks for her tour arrangements. It just gets better and bett...

D+Q Launch report

A beautiful Autumn day turned into an incredulously rainy night. We're very grateful to the many Montreal readers who braved the heavy sheets of rain to attend the store opening and launch of Pascal's White Rapids. And now for some introductions....The guest of honor-Pascal Blanchet and a friend.Julie Doucet & Benoit Chaput of L'Oie de CravanMarc...

This Weekend's To Do (Wish) List

1) Attend D+Q Store Opening in Montreal on Friday2) See John Porcellino in Lawrence, Kansas on Saturday3) Attend Rutu and James event at the IFOA in Toronto.4) Watch Rutu Modan be interviewed by Matt Madden in N...

Final SPX update (probably)

Rebecca and I arrived in Bethesda North on Friday morning and wandered around the Marriott, only to confirm our suspicions that Bethesda is composed of an intricate system of strip malls, parking lots and biscuit places.But, we were there on a mission, and it was neither to acquire biscuits nor buy a new condo in a parking lot high rise. We were there...


An hour with Jeet Heer and Chris Ware discussing Gasoline Alley, need I say mo...

New issue of King-Cat!

John Porcellino's King-Cat #68 is available this week! Check for ordering information he...

The Montreal Mirror says it all

Montreal weekly paper gives the new D+Q space a write-up in today's edition. They sum it all up exactly to a T. The big launch happens tomorrow evening, 7:00 PM. 211 Bernard We...

Lynda Barry workshop - Chicago, Jan. 5th & 6th

Lynda Barry's workshop WRITING THE UNTHINKABLE now has a myspace presence here. Check it out for class bulletins and new Lynda Barry artwork!The next class takes place in Chicago, Saturday & Sunday, January 5th & 6th, 2008. Only 45 seats! Tuition is $200. Enrollment details on our events page.Here's some of the class scoop:Do you wish you could WRITE? Do you wish you had a better MEMORY? Do you want to make STORIES but are too confused about how to even start? Lynda teaches a specific way of working she learned from her teacher, Marilyn...

Center for Cartoon Studies benefit

This just in:"Garry Trudeau has generously donated a Doonesbury strip to auction off in conjunction with his October 22 appearance at CCS to help raise money for the school. From what I understand, his strips rarely make it onto the market and have gone for $1000 when they do." This is a good cause, so if you're the type to crack open your wallet for...


Sometimes I'm the last to know about the awesome things D+Q cartoonists are up to. Case in point: I found out from Quill & Quire that Chester is doing an ongoing comic strip about zombies taking over Toronto!!!!!!! What the!!!! I love it!!! It's for the Live with Culture campaign and runs in the NOW Weekly. Unfortunately, I could not find the...

D+Q at SPX & West Coast Trip

I found these two photos at Heidi's blog, The Beat.Rebecca and Jessica bringing home our four Ignatzes! Congrats to Adrian, Kevin, Anders and Gabrielle on their wins.And Rutu signing at our booth. Rutu is on tour this week, so be sure to check her out if she is in your city.D+Q was doublebooked last weekend, which is why we don't have our own pics...

Chicago Tribune gives Rutu some love

Julia Keller of the Chicago Tribune recently spoke with Rutu Modan about her book Exit Wounds, and wrote this wonderful article for last Sunday's edition. Some excerpts here:"Rutu Modan's Exit Wounds [is] a graphic novel set amid the chaos and despair of the Middle East that somehow, even in that contested place, achieves a kind of radiant calm... Her tale reveals the sound beneath the sound: the love that can flourish just one layer down from the blood and destruction.""Modan is part of a new generation of comics artists who combine eccentric...

D+Q store Grand Opening on Friday

In conjunction with the launch of Pascal Blanchet's White Rapids, D+Q hosts its grand opening event this Friday, 7 PM. Pascal will be presenting and signing White Rapids. See the entry from Oct. 1st for his awesome poster... This event is so landmark, we have not one, but TWO awesome posters by D+Q artists - this is Julie Doucet's:And these photos...

A lot of birds with the proverbial "blog entry" stone

First off, congrats to Ignatz winners Anders Nilsen (Outstanding Graphic Novel), Gabrielle Bell (Outstanding Story), Kevin Huizenga (Outstanding Collection), and Adrian Tomine (Outstanding Comic)!! Here are some pictures of Anders and Rutu signing at our SPX booth.. and I don't know the story behind this little "a-la-Seth" village, but it's mighty...

SPX on Friday & Saturday

Friday, October 12th and Saturday, October 13thMarriott Bethesda North Hotel & Conference Center5701 Marinelli Road, North Bethesda, MarylandWith special guests Rutu Modan, Anders Nilsen and Kevin HuizengaD+Q at tables C14-16Here's the schedule:FRIDAYexpo hours: 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Kevin Huizenga signing4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Anders Nilsen...

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