Bloglovin', Facebook, Twitter, and More.

Today J and J Productions is expanding into more social media! J and J Productions is now on Bloglovin', Facebook, Twitter, Skype, Xbox Live, and Wii. Below are details about each new way to follow J and J Productions and if you are on any of these sites, please comment with a link to your site and I will, follow, and/or like. Also if you have any of these accounts, leave a link and I will Like/follow/friend them.
Bloglovin' is a subscription site that works similar to the Blogger Dashboard, except it is easily intergraded into any type of blog, from Wordpress to Blogger. Bloglovin' has features that can automatically post your most recent blog post to your Facebook page for quick and easy updating and the site is growing in popularity. Either click here to check out my Bloglovin's page or use the new "Bloglovin' Follow" button on the sidebar. If you are on Bloglovin', please leave a link to your page in the comments or I will look up your blog on the site.
J and J Productions now has an official Facebook fan page! Previously I only had a Facebook account under the name "James Starslayer," but now I have a fan page for readers to "Like." On the page will be updates on my recent posts as well as videos and other movie and geek news that I find interesting that is not enough to add on the blog. I might give short updates on the movies and TV shows I have been watching lately. Click here to Like my new Facebook page. Also Click here to "Friend" my Facebook account if you wish, I accept any friend request.
About a year ago I made a Twitter account, however, until recently, I neglected to actually post on it. Now I am trying to use it more often to give you updates on the movies, TV shows, and other media I have been watching. Also I will post videos, movie news, and occasional discussion on certain topics that are movie related. For example, right after finishing a movie, I will write something short about it so that you know what I have been watching and what to expect for future movie reviews. If you have any ideas as to how Twitter can be a useful tool in helping the blog, please comment with any ideas. Also I will have a Twitter feed update on the sidebar. Please click here to follow my Twitter account "James Starslayer." 
While not exactly social media, Skype is an easy way to communicate through, text, video, and voice, chat. Since I am considering making a podcast, Skype will be what I use to chat with potential guests, however the podcast is still just a idea in its early stages. My Skype name is "James Starslayer" or "james.starslayer" I am not sure which one Skype uses to find people.
If you do not play video games, just skip this part and go to the bottom of the post.
Again, not exactly social media, but if anyone wants to play some Xbox games like Mass Effect 3, Halo, Minecraft, or any of the many games I own, add me as a friend on Xbox Live because I am always looking for people to play online with. My account name is "J AND J 1809."
Along with an Xbox, I own a Wii, although it is more difficult to other players on it, the Wii does have some fun games to play online with like Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Mario Cart, and Goldeneye. Since there is no voice chat, Skype could be used for easy communication.
My friend code is: 4005-6085-1876-5283
Star Wars: the Old Republic is a free-to-play Star Wars MMO (massive-multiplayer-online) video game. If you want to add my character to your friends list my name on there is: "Jamesstarslayer"
That is all for the social media connections, please like my Facebook page, follow my Twitter and Bloglovin'!
If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to

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