Happy Birthday Chester Brown! (You've done it again!)

Today is Chester's birthday and for those of you in Vancouver you can check him out today on Studio 4 on Shaw TV. He has two more tour stops this week, Wednesday in Vancouver at the VPL and then Thursday in Seattle at Elliott Bay. Chester was in Montreal this past weekend and spoke to a SRO crowd at the Librairie over 100 people, and signed books until midnight. I have to say, that his slide show is a do not miss presentation that adds a whole new dynamic to the book. So anyone in the NW, I would say to you: DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO SEE CHESTER DO HIS SLIDE SHOW.

And the debate is raging on about PAYING FOR ITon NPR's facebook page from their Friday afternoon post of a review of the book, 400 "likes" and close to 400 comments! The book spent most of the weekend as the #1 graphic novel on a certain e-retailer. Never one to pander and always only answering to himself, it would appear that Chester has take the graphic auto-bio genre and turned it on its head, confirming his status as one of comics' true iconoclasts.

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